Your Questions


Dear Bernard,

I would like to thank you for the hours of enjoyment, entertainment and welcome distraction that I have been lucky to experience as a result of your Sharpe series. As an Irishman from a background which hasn't always had the brightest or most positive view of the British army I have had my mind opened and have been inspired by your description of the various hues of Irish soldier integrated at various levels within the British army at that period; not to mention the reminder (much needed) that most soldiers, whatever the circumstance, are not necessarily political or religious ideologues, (although of course some are!) but rather a product of their own circumstance.

I was recently amazed to find that a previous owner of my house (in Ulster) survived the siege of Badajoz and I retain his medal, coat buttons and bayonet from that time.

My question is whether you will be back in Ireland (the island, north or south) any time soon? I would love to thank you in person for the way in which your wonderful books  of historical fiction have opened my perspective on our own space and place in this modern world, particularly in an Irish context.




I would love to return to Ireland!  Unfortunately, I don't know when that might be?


Hi Mr Cornwell,

I have just finished 'Waterloo' and very much enjoyed it. I particularly enjoyed the way you explained what Napoleon's plans were at various points during the campaign and the extent of his knowledge at particular times - which of course then explained the orders he issued.

Unless I have missed it your bibliography does not cite 'The Battle' by Alessandro Barbero. Do you have a view on this book?


Kind Regards,




To be honest I don’t have a view and didn’t consult the book, which is why it’s not in the bibliography.


Nothing in Scotland?! Working the day and day after the York date, so unable to make it. Working my way through Waterloo... fascinating. Hooked on The Warrior Chronicles, nobody does historical fiction like you do. From the Peninsula Wars to the Dark and Middle Ages, I've found your missives inspirational and just the beginning of my interest in the periods. More power to your pen. Just possibly a Scottish date the next time you take a trip across the pond?

Stuart Reekie


I hope so!


Good day mister Cornwell.

I am a big fan of your literature, and don't miss a chance to read every book you publish. Right now, I am reading Starbuck Chronicles. Reading the book, i decided to expand my knowledge of american civil war and try to find some prototypes of your characters. I bring you my appologies, may be my question will sound a bit of insolent, by was the prototype for your Legion Hampton's Legion and its leader Hampton? And was there any real guy prototype for Nate Starbuck?

Again sorry for disturbing you. Wish you all the best, sir.



I think the Hampton Legion inspired the word ‘Legion’, nothing more! And no, Nate isn’t based on any real character.



Would like to see you do a trilogy about the story of El Cid. To me no one can do justice to this legend but you.  Thank you.

Edward M. Blackburn


That’s very kind of you, but it won’t happen . . . . I’d need at least two years to explore the world of Islamic Spain and I’m getting too old! But thank you anyway!


Dear Bernard!

I just wanted to tell you I really love your books. You're one of few writers that just have it. Along with two of my other favourites, Manfredi and Iggulden. Keep Writing and I'll keep reading!

I just finished reading The Fort and last week I read Azincourt for the second time. Are you planning any sequels to those books? Azincourt has to be one of the best books I've ever read, and since I'm more into older history I think it topped The Fort.


Hannes Österlind


No sequels are planned.



I have read all your books and they have given me hours of pleasure.

I love the way you humanise your characters and weave them into the historical setting.

I think that is what sets you apart from most of the other historical history writers.

I have read quite a lot of other historical fiction writers and for the most part they are just not enjoyable.

Having said that I just finished War of the Roses by Conn Iggulden and that is a fantastic read and he has improved a lot since his earlier books.

Who is your favourite historical fiction writer and what are some of your favourite books?



Mark Le Huray


My favourite author is an obscure writer by the name of John Cowper Powys.

And favourite books?  Certainly George MacDonald Fraser - love his books - and if you haven't read the Flashman series, then start now!





I discovered your books back in the 90's.  I've been a big fan ever since.

I recently had some time to read some more, so I bought The Warrior Chronicles on Amazon for the Kindle app on my iPad.

One of the things I *love* about reading your work is the map (or maps) that makes sense out of the discussion of events in the story.  I find myself referring to the maps at least once for every 2 pages, on average.  For the really detailed discussions, even more.

However, the map in the Kindle book is decidedly low-resolution, and the discussion regarding the names of the cities along with their modern-day equivalents would be very handy to have at my fingertips while reading.

Is there any way to make the maps and the discussion of the place names available separately?  The ideal form would be as a large high-resolution version of the map, as well as an html version of the section on place names.  I could print it out, or save it to another app just to have it ready to hand when I need to verify exactly where and how the main characters are travelling.

Love your work, can't get it enough, just want to make cure I can absorb as much of it as possible.

Thanks, and keep up the great work!



I’ll mention it to the publishers – I assume you can bookmark it and flip back and forth? But your idea of an html version (whatever that is) sounds good and I’ll pass it on! Thank you



Dear Mr. Cornwell

my name's Brad and greetings from Australia I just wanted to ask a quick question I don't think was touched on, in your Saxon novels religion is talked about quite a lot the church trying to steal land and extorting people for money and so on, and Uhtred's obvious dislike of the Catholics and exploring the concepts of Norse paganism, I'm just wondering if you had any feelings towards the modern Odinist/Asatru/Neopagan groups springing up worldwide the biggest being in Iceland I think. Do you think it all belongs in myths? Or is a modern reawakening a good thing?

Thanks for your time.

Brad Moloney


I know very little about it. I’m fairly sure that the ancient gods will be no more effective today than they were two thousand years ago, but if it makes their worshippers feel better? Why not?



Dear Mr Cornwell,

First, I should congratulate you on another splendid read which made a rather boring holiday in Spain more enjoyable. I hope that you will forgive me if I point out something which I had to correct a few years ago in a letter to the Daily Telegraph. This followed a remark made on the BBC by an admiral in the Royal Navy. He used a Scots word which is clearly completely misunderstood and incorrectly used in England. The Daily Telegraph was kind enough to publish it.

The remark echoes the discussion between Robbie and Douglas in "1356" from page 54 to page 55.

Douglas asks Robbie whether the French king knows that the Prince of Wales "will likely strike north next year?"

"I have told him." Robbie replies.

Douglas then comments, "And he's havering?"

I assume that the following sentences confirm that the French king is being indecisive and that he is "swithering", to use the Scots word. The English equivalent is "dithering" or "shilly-shallying" (a wonderful legacy of Middle English, containing the early pronunciation of "I"). However, as I pointed out in the Telegraph, "havering" means to talk nonsense, which does not seem to tally with what the characters are discussing.

I expect that it is too late to correct it and it may be that many of your readers think that it means something it does not, but I thought it might be helpful to know, at least!

I would also ask, since you mention it, whether you can suggest where I can find a publisher or sympathetic literary agent who enjoys a bit of detective story meets science fiction cum action story (I know. It does sound an odd mixture)? I have a book published on a self-publishing site and I have had nothing but positive feedback from those who have read and bought it. However, neither publishers, nor literary agents seem to be interested, so any advice on who to approach would be greatly appreciated.

Best wishes

Andrew Gray

(aka Jack Powers)


The OED gives one meaning of haver(ing) as ‘to hesitate, be slow in deciding’ and identifies it as Scottish dialect. That’s good enough for me!

I’m very out of touch with the literary agents in London, mainly because I’ve had the same one for thirty something years and so don’t need to fish in those waters (and mine is taking no new clients). Frankly what will impress them is sales! It’s wonderful news that your book is getting such positive feedback, and if that enthusiasm is translated into sales then an agent or publisher will want a piece of it! I’m sure you’ve consulted the Writer’s and Artist’s yearbook? All I can feebly suggest is to keep on approaching agents . . . sorry