Your Questions



Can you tell me if you intend to do any book signing dates in London in the near future? Also is there any plans to extend the Thomas of Hookton saga.    Many Thanks.




I will be in the UK in October.  We hope to have the itinerary to post on the homepage of this website soon.


No further plans for Thomas at this time.


I only discovered your books (specifically the Saxon stories) last year and I've read up to The Death of Kings however they're all saved on my ipad (The Pagan Lord is currently on a UPS truck heading towards my house as I type this and The Empty Throne is preordered). But when ever I find a book/series I love I always buy hardcover copies of the books. I like to completely immerse myself into the story and there's something about holding a book, as opposed to an e-reader, that makes it easier... but that's probably just me.


So my question is: is there or will there ever be a boxed hardcover set of the entire series available to purchase? Specifically in Canada?



It's certainly possible!  But not until the series is finished....


I can't remember if this name has been mentioned before but what about Banastre Tarleton as Sharpe's father? Plenty of dashing and daring do there.

Nick Breeze


Nope, sorry!


I've just finished your seventh novel of the Saxon Tales: "The Pagan Lord".  Don't know if that ends Uhtred's involvement, or if there will be another chapter of his life.  I'm a big fan of yours and have all of your books in my library.  My favorites are Stonehenge and Agincourt.  Also the Sharpe Novels, The Nathan Starbuck Chronicles,  Redcoat, etc.


Dick Stacey,

Lake Mary, Florida


There is more!  The next book is The Empty Throne.  It will be published in the UK in October of this year and in the US in January 2015.


I am a huge fan of the Saxon Tales series. I have read the books and I also have the audio book versions of the books which I listen to on my ride to and from work with much enjoyment.


It seems that the pronunciations of the character's names differ from audio reader to audio reader. One reader pronounces Uhtred as OOH-TRED and another speaks it as YOU-TRED. Similarly, they pronounce Steapa as STAY-APPA and as STEEPA. There are a variety of other such differing enunciations but could you clarify what you believe to be the correct enunciation of Uhtred? Thank you and hope Uhtred never grows too old!

Jeffrey Warren


To rhyme with hoot, but with a slight guttural inflection - oot-red.




I may have worked this out just because I want this to be the answer.


The happy person is HANDEL ("Happy we!" from Handel's Acis and Galatea) The horse that appears is a NAG Take us out and put you in because you are the MAIN man( that's the weakest part)


An anagram of




I really hope that this is true Hagman is my favourite character and if I may could I take this chance to recommend the music of John Tams. His blend of folk and misery is a real joy.

Michael Davidson


Another nice try, but wrong!  I do agree with you about the music of John Tams!


I started reading the Sharpe's books after watching an episode of Masterpiece Theatre-Sharpe's Rifles. I dabble in genealogy and had an ancestor who fought at Trafalgar, so needless to say Sharpe's Trafalgar is a favourite of mine. I have read each book in the series at least 5 times and enjoy them each time as I did the first.  My question that Sean Bean is older yet still quite active in his acting career, has there been any suggestion that he make a film based on Sharpe's Devil? I know fans of yours and his would love it.



Not that I've heard....


I am an avid reader of everything you've written (at least those books I've found - which near as I can tell is all you've published).  I'm concerned that I don't see a release date for Waterloo in the US - only for the UK.

It is going to be available here isn't it?


Thanks for all the hours of enjoyment you've given me!




It will!  The US publication date for Waterloo: A History of Four Days, Three Armies and Three Battles is May 2015.


Hi, Sir.

Just read "1356", and loved it! Thanks for bring us Thomas of Hookton again! Any chances of seeing more adventures of him? He's becoming ever more and more such a complex character!

And, to ask don't hurt: any chances of a Bernard Cornwell's book about Joan of Arc, Attila the Hun, Richard Lionheart, Robin Hood, The War of the Roses? Would  be awesome!

Thank you, Sir.

Greetings from your Brazillian's greatest fan!




hello Bernard

can we have some more stories from Thomas and the grail quests please?

ever hopeful




I don't have further plans for Thomas at the moment.  The others?  I've considered a few....guess we'll have to wait and see!


Hi Mr. Cornwell

Hope you are in good health.

Firstly, many thanks for all the pleasure you have given me over the years with your outstanding books.  I would have to say the 'gritty and realistic' Arthurian trilogy being among the few books I have ever read twice, I believe it to be that brilliant!!

Have you ever considered a story based around the Templar movement? This is a subject that has caught the imagination of so many people over the years, myself included.

It is on my 'bucket list' to read a trilogy on this subject (like Arthur) that you have wrote, so I'm afraid you must put pen to paper with post haste (LOL!!) !!!

Take good care and many thanks for your time.



I have thought about it, but have no plans for it at the moment.