Your Questions


Hello Cornwell.


I'm a great fan of you and have been reading your books since I was a teennager. I'm currently reading the saxon chronicles, by the way I'm loving, and I thought that would be awesome if you wrote about the Crusades, telling the history of the Lion Heart and Saladin. Would be a wonderful trilogy!


Best regards and thanks for your magnificent work.

Alberto Meiga


Sorry - no plans for the Crusades.


A quick question...


Is it possible for an American to buy The Empty Throne when it comes out in the UK... rather than wait an extra 2 months?




Sure - would be happy to sell it to you (there's a link on the book page).


Dear Mr. Cornwell,

I have enjoyed your Grail series, sharp series and Azincourt/1556 very much.  I read a few years ago that a script was being produced for Agincourt, but I've seen little since then.  Is this still in the works?

I ask because as an archer who has spent a number of years working up to warbow weights, I am particularly keen to see what such a battle might actually look like, and with the 600th anniversary of Agincourt coming up it seems like an apt moment.

Best Regards,

William P.


To be honest, I don't know???  I haven't heard anything lately....


I'm thrilled, but also filled with trepidation to see that the Last Kingdom is being adapted for TV. I was wondering to what extent you were going to be involved in the adaptation? Hopefully this could be the start of a long running series, I wonder who will be cast as Uhtred!!

Andy Holt


My involvement will be limited - mostly cheerleading!  I wonder too....




I'm sure this is a very common question so I will keep it short. Is there any talk, whispers or rumours of new Sharpe episodes for our TV screens?


Many Thanks,



I haven't heard any!


Dear Sir:

I just finished Sharpe's Company where our favorite monster reappears. How did Hakeswill escape the pit of cobras and vipers that Sharpe pushed him into naked at the end of Sharpe's Fortress? I am dying to know and please don't say it says so in the scriptures. He is an awful lot.


Thank you,




If you were a snake, would you bite him?



First of all I would like to express how enjoyable your novels are particularly the Sharpe series. I was wondering if we are ever going to see more of captain Chase in a future sharpe novel or even a spin off novel?




I like Capt. Chase!  Maybe we will see him again....


Dear Mr. Cornwell


I regularly read your questions column and I am intrigued by the large number of letters from Brazillians. Is there any reason for this?


Mike Walker, Worcester UK


Brazilians are wonderful, what more can I say?



Hi Bernard,


I'm looking forward to your new book (published this September, I think?) but for the moment I'm finishing 'Great North Road' before going on to 'The Pagan Lord'. Coming back to Waterloo, however, I'm wondering if you've ever watched the film version directed by Dino de Laurentis? If so (apologies if this is putting you on the spot), what did you think to it?

Robert Douglas


I saw it a very long time ago . . . . and my memory is hazy about it, but I do seem to recall that the charge of the British cavalry (which ended in their massacre) was shown without their initial triumph which was the destruction of d’Erlon’s Corps. There was also an extraordinary scene in which British battalions were arrayed in line, one behind the other, with the ones in front ducking when the ones behind fired. Did I dream that? It was nonsense, anyway, whether dreamed or not. Rod Steiger’s Napoleon was magnificent!





We are a catalan family in Spain and we are very big fans of your books since the moment we all read The Warlord Chronicles or in Spanish "Crónicas del señor de la guerra" (I think I read the first book when I was around 14 years old and I loved it). My parents unfortunately can't read English and they have been reading The Warrior Chronicles books all in Spanish. We tried to find if the last book from these series, "The Pagan Lord", will be translated into Spanish but could not find the information anywhere. Will this book be available in Spanish soon?


Thank you for your time! Again we love the books and we are very big fans!!

Monica Gomez Palou


P.S. Our favourite character and all the family agrees here is Derfel. I thought it might be important that you know :)



I don't believe there are plans for a Spanish translation of The Pagan Lord yet, but hopefully soon!  I understand my book 1356 is the most recent Spanish translation book available.