as expected i greatly enjoyed Sharpe's Assassin!
Crikey! Fighting in a house! you've never done that before!
it must have been enjoyable to bring back people like Price and Lucille after 20 years!
i like the idea of the Sharpe that comes after , which is the one you wont be writing, because there wont be much action. Sharpe's Reward - Richard Sharpe and Peace `1815 to....He's earned that Reward `10 times over!
Anyway, i've had an idea! i'm not sure if you are the right person to suggest this to, but thought i'd put it out there...
i've been reading a Regimental History of the Border Regiment, since i've moved back up to Cumbria, and am enjoying the parallel narrative of the old 34th and the old 55th. i also love Mark Adkin's Sharpe Companions, so...maybe someone could write a Fictional Military History of the South Essex? That would be really interesting! We could raad about things that you haven't put in the books like Simmerson raising the Battalion and the Enquiry into the loss of the Colours, then tracing all those years in Spain and Portugal....maybe the Writer could "find! the Secret Papers relating to the Crimping Scandal of `1813? the book could trace the officers and the fates of the Colonels...(the Colonelcy of the South Essex did seem to be the unluckiest in the Army...Disgraced, Lost an Arm, Killed, Killed, Went Mad, Lost his Nerve, Gammy Leg....)And finally the Disbanding of this great Regiment!
how about it?
i'd read it!
Yours as ever
Matt in Cumbriaa AKA Lord Grumpy Grumpyson
I’m delighted you’ll read it, but I’m fairly sure I won’t write it, though it is a nice idea. So perhaps I’ll change my mind? The idea does intrigue me, so thank you!