I have a question as an aspiring writer. You wrote a story about one of Sharpe's penultimate adventures first (Sharpe's Eagle). Were you worried at the time about being able to follow up on that with equally interesting stories?
Thank you so much for your wonderful books.
Eagle is quite early in the Peninsular campaign and at the time I had no intention of writing any books about Sharpe outside of that campaign – so no, I wasn’t worried about subsequent books – I think there are ten (at least) which describe the Peninsular actions after Talavera. I certainly had no idea that I’d write about India – I’d never visited and I don’t like writing about places I haven’t seen, so the India books came much later and after a couple of visits. There are really two Sharpe series and I like to think they’re dovetailed together, but really is bodging carpentry. My fault!