Dear Bernard,
I have been reading a couple of G A Henty books on Penisula war and have to say Sharpe's promotion is very tardy. The main character joins his regiment as an ensign in Ireland and eight months later he is a Colonel of a Portugese regiment. So maybe Sharpe should have joined the Portugese instead. While Henty's main characters are pretty unrealistic even for an adventure books his historic bang on. For all the money spent on the Penisular Campaign very little was actually spent on the army. The Portugese and Spanish junta were given millions and did very little to free their counties from French occupation. Then the British Government in it's wisdom had an army in Sicily. For Wellington I think beating the French was the easy part.
Andrew Walker
I doubt Sharpe was that tardy. His promotions are based on those of John Elley who rose from trooper to Lieutenant Colonel over the same span of years as Sharpe, and was thought to be a remarkable man. Yes, Sharpe would have got faster promotion by joining the Portuguese army, but it would have made my job as a novelist far more difficult, so he didn’t!