Your Questions


Mr Cornwell
My first contact with Richard Sharpe was when I was handed a copy of 'Sharpes Eagle' as a young Royal Engineer Sapper on deployment to the former Yugoslavia in 1993. Those books helped me get through some particularly trying times during that tour and by the end I had acquired all 10 of the books that had been published to date.
Upon returning from the tour, I bought each book at the earliest opportunity and have since read the whole set time and again in chronological order.
Since then, I have dragged my, long suffering, wife to see the site of the breaches at Badajoz and the battlefield at Talavera.
Today I found myself at a lose end in  Malaysia, where I am currently working and decided to watch every episode of the excellent (allowing for a dark-haired londoner morphing into a blond-haired yorkshireman from my hometown!)TV series which was born of the novels.
I found myself thinking about the books and tried to find a way to contact you to answer the all important question - Will Sharpe (and Harper) ever march again?
I thank you for astounding work, which despite having been with me for most of my adult life, I can still pick up and read today as if it were the first time.
Best regards
Carl Wright


I do think Sharpe and Harper will march again!


Hello, I know you get asked this a million times but, have we seen the last of King Arthur? All of those books were so captivating from Winter King, through the end. Being from the US, we are short on quality Arthur tales.

I love the conflict of doing what is write at all times even if what is right produces terrible outcomes. Marvelous story dichotomy.

I've read almost every book that you have published and can't wait for January when the next Uthred story comes available in the US.


I have no plans to add to the Arthur books, but I am delighted to know you enjoyed them!


Hi Bernard
I have just finished 1356 and as usual found it  great entertainment , I wondered if  we will be hearing more of Thomas of Hookton , and also of Nickolas Hook from Agincourt  I know your you must get these questions all the time , but it would be a shame not to hear of these wonderful characters again
Thank you

Dave Buck


Right now I do not have further plans for either Thomas or Nick Hook, but who knows?  Never say never....


I am an avid reader of all your books.
I have been told that there is a film in the making of "The Warlord Chronicles"  ( my introduction into your books) .
Is this correct?

Best Regards



No, sorry, I don't think so.


I have read all the Sharpe books several times and truly loved them.  I am happy to read that you are considering sending Sharpe on another adventure.  I found Capt Frederickson to be a wonderful character and hope to see him again - any possibility?
Dan Monette


It is possible...


Why did you stop your series at the Battle of Antitem? There is SO MUCH MORE...
Alan Levith


I'M pushing 80. Have read everyone of your books. Right now reading ,The Pagan Lord. Would like finish to The Starbuck Chronicles.  Was wondering if you were going to finish the series any time soon?
Bill Johnston


I do hope to return to Starbuck one of these days.


Dear Mr. Cornwell,

I just finished the last available book in the Saxon Tales.  The Pagan Lord was the best one by far, but OH! What a dreadful ending!!  No...not dreadful.  It left me SO wanting more information!  Please tell me the next book is coming out soon.  I need to know what happens.!  OK - enough drama.  I really love this series.  My family is part Scot and part Anglo Saxon.  I love reading about our ancestors.  You have truly brought this era to life.  Thank you (now please finish the next book in the series :-)
Marie Dolton


Just finished The Pagan Lord
Have read all the warrior chronicles , Arthur and Sharpe
Question-when will the next WarriorChronicle come out? I read October. Please advise.   Thanks in advance
Bruno Timpano


When does the next book come out? Thank you
Stan Craig


The next book of Uhtred's story will be The Empty Throne.  It is scheduled to be published in the UK in October (January for US publication).


I am sorry to have missed your recent appearances at the Library Society and the Citadel and was wondering whether you planned to give any additional talks in the  Charleston SC area this season?

I just finished reading The Pagan Lord with great enjoyment. Thank you for all your novels, particularly those in the historical fiction realm.
Lawrence Olanoff


Sorry to miss you too!  Nothing else is on the schedule for this season.


In your novel 1356 Thomas of Hookton arrives at the Saint Junien's Monastery together with his wife an others, you write "The horses filled the small space between the walls and the abbey church. Thomas swung down from the saddle..." On the next page you write " A cobbled street ran in front of the abbey and at its far end, where another gate through the monastery.........Thomas could see a mass of saddled horses and four sumpter ponies being held by servants. He dismounted...." I have read this two or three times and it appears that you have Thomas dismounting when he has already dismounted. Have I read this right or am I missing something?
Mike Kightley


Oh my.  I guess he is off and on that horse so often it is hard to keep track....


Is there any chance that the warrior Chronicles could become a TV series( like Vikings)
bruno timpano


I guess there is always a chance...