Your Questions


Hi Mr. Cornwell.

I miss Sharpe!  It's been 7 years since we last heard of him, and surely that's enough?  I notice in your website that questions and comments about Uhtred outnumber questions and comments about Sharpe by at least 10 to 1.  I fear that he is becoming one of your forgotten "back of the shelf" series that you hope to get back to "some day" (like Starbuck).  I know you're eager to begin your new Elizabethan series, but couldn't you first add at least another chapter to Sharpe's story, preferably Albuera?  I just want to see you finish what you've started while you've still got time left to do it (although I hope you live past 100)!  But just in case, please write another Sharpe in 2015.

Alan Kempner


Hi Mr Cornwell
I was wondering if there are going to be more tv series of sharpe like trafalgar and others.
Mark Thomas


If you have beed asked this question recently, please forgive me.
Are you planning additional Sharpes books after Sharpes Devil?  If so, could you name its title and when it might be available?
Thanks you for taking time to answer me and for the Sharpes series in general.
Michael Ward



Sharpe is not forgotten!  But I don't think there will be a Sharpe book in 2015.


Hi, Bernard Cornwell.
I'd like to ask if is possible that a writer really can live in the world of his own book, forgetting all the problems of the real life. (Sorry for my english, I try to learn all that I can about that.) Thank you!


I think it’s the only way to write a book! It’s very trying for your spouse, but so long as the book is being written you do live in that world, hear the characters speaking, think about them while I’m walking the dog . . . . .


Hopefully an easy question,
My husband is reading Vagabond and as we live in deepest Dorset was wondering whether Hookton is a real place? I did  a quick trawl of the internet and didn't find anything. He thinks it might be on the old Chesil Beach. I would love to be able to confirm one way or the other, and then I can get the book of him so that I can read it,
Kind regards


Is Hookton a real place? It's invented - so no, there's no sign of it, but if you walk the Dorset Coast Path you can find places where it might have existed!


Hello Mr. Cornwell,

Just to tell you how very much I enjoy your Sharpe books. I have all
of them, just since I happened upon them a couple years ago. I have just  finished them  for the second time.
I am hoping Sharpe and Patrick will march again soon.
But bear in mind I will be 86 in June. Although I am aiming for 100 so there is hope.
Mary Mecklenburg


And I hope you'll make it to 100!  I do think Sharpe and Harper will march again before then.


Mr. Cornwell,
I just bought The Pagan Lord and re-read the previous 2 books in the series.
Twice now in reading I have been impressed with the character of Father Heahberht, who Uhtred met just prior to the battles at and around Beamfleot.  It seemed even Uhtred appreciated his honesty and courage.
Do you have any plans to re-introduce the character?  If not, please do- he deserves to be a Bishop, short robe and all.  A suitable foil to Bishop Erkenwald or Father Coenwulf, perhaps?
Lastly, did you name him after the 9th Century bishop of Worcester, or the 8th Century King of Kent?

Thank you for writing such engaging books.
Andrew Rienstra


I can’t remember now where I found the name . . . I cpy down names as I find them and he was on the list, but how he got there I have no idea. So you want him promoted? I’ll do my best!



Bernard -

Just a quick note of thanks.   Discovered the Saxon series several weeks ago and am devouring the novels. Am halfway through The Lords of the North.  Was pleased to see Robert Harris' novels among your collection of club books.  I love historic fiction and, among my favorites to date, are Michael Dobbs' Churchill series. Have you read them?  I really admire Dobbs' versatility.   Best of luck to you and I do hope to meet you one day to thank you in person.

Take care,



I love his books, all of them!


Hi there,
I wanted to Thank you, for giving me back reading... yes I know that sounds odd lol but, till the sharpe tv show came out, I was a very hit and miss reader, when that show came up and I later saw a book of it, it got me into your writings.... the Arthur series was great, but... You really hit the mark with me when it came to your saxon series. I am a Wulfrunian (a native of Wolverhampton) and have always had a fascination with my local history, so when I got reading that series and all about mercia, I was hooked, I have been researching all my area's history from Alfred downwards, obviously with a big focus on the Aethelflaed areas,
So when Pagan Lord came out I was wondering, will he mention the battle?? and I was so glad when you did include it!! and you did a really good job on it, especially, where you described wonderfully, the darkness about its actual whereabouts!! (I actually have a theory about that lol)

So I wanted, as a Wulfrunian, to say thank you... for including my area (the battle is/was in the area where I sit) One question tho... in your research... did you manage to find out anything more about this King Eowils? apart from him being a joint king of Northumberland with Halfdan? I have been trying and coming up with blanks, apart from a few suggestions that he was a beserker

anyway, I'll stop here, but as today is also your birthday (I saw it on facebook, I'm wulfrun_andy there ) Have a wonderful birthday!! and please, continue with Uhtred!! and when he dies, perhaps into Mercia!!

All the best,



I did find some interesting facts, but sadly the notebook is a thousand miles away so it’ll have to stay a mystery for the moment, sorry.


Dear Mr Cornwell,
I adore historical fiction, especially yours! I like to write myself, and I have written a short story set during the reign of Alfred the Great in which I have included Uhtred as a character, one of my protagonist's good mates. I hope you don't mind! I have also done the same with Sharpe, just as Simon Scarrow presumably did in his novel The Fields of Death, where he briefly mentioned a tall, rifle-carrying Greenjacket Major named Richard. With that in mind, I was wondering: if you ever wrote a cameo for another author's creation, which would it be?
Also, after introducing my father and a number of friends to Azincourt I have been pestered with speculation about a potential film adaptation of it? I absolutely loved Sean Bean's Sharpe and I've been praying for another of your stories to be brought to life on screen, I was hoping there might be a kernel of truth to the rumours?
Thor guide you,
Gustaf Haynes


Oh, probably Hornblower!  But whether I’ll do it? Don’t know.

There's the occasional talk of film, but I honestly don't pay too much attention to it.  Maybe it'll happen, but I won't hold my breath!


I have just concluded The Pagan Lord. When is the next one due out, please, and do you have a name for it, so that I can pre-order on Amazon?
Many thanks in advance.
John Searancke


Very much enjoy your books...please due you have a month when the next Saxon Story will be available in England?



Loving the Saxon Tales series....The Pagan Lord.. was "edge of seat" stuff for certain!
When's the eagerly awaited next installment due?....and are the rumours true that Uhtred The Younger slips through a portal in the space-time continuum and plays upfront for Newcastle United?
Phil W



I just finished reading the Pagen Lord, and loved it. Am I going to have to wait two more years to read the next installment.  I truly enjoy your writing.  I just get frustrated waiting for the next book from you and many other authors I follow..
Thank you for this series..
Karry Dohlen


We do have a title - The Empty Throne.  With any luck it will be published in the UK on 23 October 2014.


Enjoyed "The Pagan Lord", now that the series is ending, have you considered continuing the Starbuck Chronicles ? A visit to Fredericksburg, Va., would provide a battlefield tour of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, the Wilderness and Spotsylvania Courthouse( 1862-1864)  This July will be the 100th Anniversary of the start of W.W.I.
Phil Beuchert



So its been 18 years since the last Startbuck book was published, and the little blurb on the books page hasn't been updated in forever..  Will I see a another Startbuck book before I turn 40?  I am now 38 and read the first book  when I was in high school..  Extended vacation indeed!!!!!!!



Before I start, I have to say, I have 90%of your books, and love the Saxon stories, and hope they continue for many more books.My question is, will you be doing a continuation of the Starbuck chronicles, I've just read those books again, and would like to know and read, what happens to starbuck, if he lives to see the end of the war, and if so, what becomes of him, many thanks, and keep up the good work                                                                                                               Kev Sharpe


If only there were more hours in a day....