Back in 2009, a teacher loaned his copies of your Arthur novels to me. I was, on the whole, unfamiliar with the legend and the historical setting, but I trusted this person's recommendations. I think I read all three books within that week. I was absolutely entranced. I read voraciously as a teenager, but rarely did particular novels captivate me in quite this way.
Work and college have both entered my life since then, and though I don't generally possess the best powers of recollection, vivid images and moments from these novels nevertheless stuck with me. In some of life's little trials that I have faced since then, I have seen aspects of Nimue in myself, as well as elements of Derfel. I've found that other people generally respond better to those characteristics which can be described as "Derfel-esque", though my closest friends tend to be those who appreciate the fierce, devoted, (apparently) occasionally incomprehensible traits which would most be associated with Nimue. You need not answer if you prefer not to, but I wonder if you feel that qualities of these or any other characters are particularly strong in your own personality.
I'm taking the time to contact you now because I wanted to thank you for writing these astounding novels. I finally purchased my own copies of them as small gifts to myself and have just completed re-reading The Winter King. As I prepare to graduate and transition into a life of teaching, I know that whatever adventures await me will be flecked with little bits of these stories, like scattered sunlight on the forest floor. I plan to read your other creations as well.
Thank you, you lovely person!
Best wishes in this new year and in all the years to follow,