Hi Bernard
You responded to an earlier question on which 3 historical events you would like to have witnessed and I noticed that the first of these was a performance of A Midsummer Night’s Dream or any of the plays at the Globe.
Have you had the opportunity to see a play at the Shakespeare Globe theatre. If you have what did you think of the theatre and performance? If not I can wholeheartedly recommend that you book next time you visit London. I have seen 2 plays there, Richard the Third and Macbeth. Both absolulety brilliant. At the Macbeth performance Dame Judi Dench was in the audience, so was able to get her autograpgh as a bonus as well.
Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year
We have been to the Globe! I love it! We do a huge amount of theatre when we’re in London and, last month, were lucky enough to see Michael Grandage’s wonderful production of Midsummer – but not at the Globe, alas.