Just finished "The pagan lord" and as with all you have written, just loved it! Can't wait to hear more of Uhtred in the future. A couple of questions though. There was an earlier question about minor characters in your books that I thought was really inspiring. They are easy to forget in the shadows of the giant men and women like Uhtred; Finnan, Alfred, Thomas, Ethelfled and Nickolas. One I really loved was the bee-keeper who supplied the beehives and mead for the storming of Benfleet. Another is the older Dane who guarded Knuts wife and children and was/let himself be killed for failing his duty. Another was Blackulf who got hijacked by Uthred & co trying to regan Bebanburg. What happened to him in your mind? Did he get his head chopped of by Uhtred#2 when Uhtred#1 left or did he refloat his dear Rainboger? Theoretical question of course but would be nice to hear what would have happened had you written it.
Looking forward to your next book sir!
Mattias Fornberg
I’m glad you liked the bee-keeper! I liked him too. Sometimes characters spring out of nothing and light up a few pages, and he was one of them. I like to think the poor Frisian got his boat back . . .