In preparation for the arrival of Sharpe's Assassin, I have been re-reading the earlier novels. - and in particular 'Sharpe's Waterloo.' An enduring concern was whether Sharpe's Lt. Colonelcy, apparently conferred by Wellington as the battle drew to a close, was ever confirmed by Horse Guards. In a similar way, as Sharpe's majority was only ever brevet rank, his regimental rank was Captain - a rank unequivocally won at Badajoz. Yet on page 57 of 'Sharpe's Waterloo' you say that on Horse Guards' determination of his majority as only brevet he was "forced to accept a lieutenant's pension." How could that be the case? It would be pleasing indeed if in the forthcoming 'Assassin' it is made clear that Sharpe's half-Colonelcy is regimental...
David Lovibond
I think it’s made clear in Sharpe's Assassin – sorry about the earlier confusion, all my fault.