I was determined not to be this person. I have read all of the questions and comments on this site and have seen over and over people asking for more Nathaniel Starbuck, and over and over again your reply that it was not likely. So much so that I only read them out of desperation for more of your books having read everything else. I wasn’t even going to read them because I didn’t want to find myself here begging for more. That being said and knowing the answer to the question of if you will ever bring him back, I would like to know why you are no longer interested in continuing that series. I have many theories. One being that it is kind of politically incorrect at the moment to have a confederate hero. I am somewhat conflicted myself having grown up in the south where there was a lost cause love for the southern cause (of states rights). To now being a fully educated and informed adult realizing that it was a cause better lost than won, and that romanticizing the southern plight has only lead to a prolonging of problems within the nation.
Thank you for your time,
Whitfield Brackett
Hello Bernard,
I have to ask a question that you are probably tired of answering , are you planning on finishing the Starbuck Chronicles? The series is some of the best I have ever read about the American Civil War and although I know it has been 25 years since the last book in this series I am have just now finished the first 4 books. Great stuff to say the least. I have read every single book series that you have written (all within the last year) and you are now one of my all time favorite authors , not trying to blow smoke just telling my truth. I do see that you have another Sharpe book coming which is fantastic news , I watched the TV movies a couple of times before reading the books (which were as usual when comparing a book to a movie or TV series so much better) and eagerly await the new one. I also cannot wait for the new Uhtred book (The Saxon Stories) , I am assuming that it is coming sooner than later?
But back to my original question , will you be completing the Starbuck Chronicles? I and am sure many others truly hope you do. They are brilliant!
Robert Nelson
You really need to write another Nathaniel Starbuck book. One of my favorite book series.
Paul Kroth
Do you intend to let us know what becomes of Nate Starbuck? I've been immersing myself in American Civil War literature, particular historical fiction, because I (unfortunately) see many similarities to that era and the present times, and after reading the Starbuck Chronicles to date I am left wondering what happened to him. I really appreciate your portrayal of him: not a comic book hero, but very human, yet heroic at the same time. I, for one, would really enjoy it if you chose to return to the series and continue it, but I also understand the tightrope any author would be walking in the current climate if writing anything that even resembles the slightest praise (or even a lack of condemnation) for anything "Confederate".
John W Theisen
Hi Bernard,
I expect you stopped reading at the subject as I do not suspect but know that you have been asked this question a hundred times before... nay a thousand. You could give me the same three word answer you give them "Rule nothing out" However, just between us you do know if you are ever likely to return to him. You may not want to commit yourself but as I am just a nobody fan who has read everything you have ever written and have been doing so for what seems like most of my life and will continue to do so for what remains of that life it would not commit you to anything to tell me your gut feeling on the subject. Indeed I would understand when the "my=use" has gone it has gone. There have been many wonderful stories since and I pray many more but I would dearly love to know if I can maintain a brief hope or if I must resign myself to the fact that Nate has ridden his last.
Thank you for you consideration and may I once again thank you for many many hours of adventure and history.
Yours sincerely,
Stuart Dangerfield
Dear Bernard
Now that you’ve completed (?) the Last Kingdom books (which are even better than the Sharpe novels, though the Arthurian books remain my favourites), when are you going to return to the Starbuck series? They seem very truncated! I’ll also be interested to see how you deal with a hero who inevitably must end up on the losing side.
Thanks for all of your work, most of which I’ve read more than once.