Hello, sir. I have a very odd question for you. I have read your Arthur books many times before, but just recently I looked upon Wikipedia's summary for The Winter King, and found something which made me question how well I'd read it. The passage I am referring to was thus: "Derfel is rewarded for his service to Arthur and is declared a lord, but shortly after learns that Merlin has gone north, leaving Nimue on the Isle of the Dead. With the scar on his hand reminding Derfel of his duty to Nimue, he travels south to rescue her himself. When he arrives at the Isle he is warned by the guards that he is free to enter, but once inside he can never be released. He enters nonetheless and finds Nimue at the southern tip of the isle. She initially attacks him, but he clasps their scarred hands together and Nimue's wits return. As he returns to the entrance, he finds that Galahad and his men have followed him south to ensure that he could leave the isle. In the months following this adventure, Derfel and Nimue become lovers. Nimue considers leaving Merlin and the path of the Gods, but realizes that life with Derfel is an impossible dream. She ends their relationship, only to find out that she is pregnant with Derfel's baby. She refrains from telling Derfel about this, instead claiming that the baby is Merlin's. Arthur meanwhile, is contemplating a final assault on Powys to end the war. To do that, he must ensure that the Sais, led by Aelle who calls himself the Bretwalda (Ruler of Britain), remain at peace, and only money can achieve that. On the advice of Nimue he makes enforced loans from all Christian and pagan shrines, an act which the Christians resent him for. Meeting with Aelle, Arthur negotiates three months of peace for the gold and information on how to capture the Powysian Stronghold of Ratae (Leicester)." Now, from reading the books, I understood most of that passage, and recalled it. However, the sentence claiming that Nimue was pregnant rather floored me, to be honest. I don't recall that ever being alluded to in the books... My question for you, is..was it alluded to, and did I just miss it? Thank you, in advance, for your time, and for the wonderful books you've written.