Dear Mr Cornwell, I think I already know the answer to my question but thought I'd pose it anyway. Having read very little over the past few years, I managed to get through all four Starbuck chronicles remarkable quickly, this included a number of late nights, early mornings over breakfast and the occasional snatched few minutes at work. I cannot imagine how you can leave poor Nate in his current state, he's been shot in the face having fought his way through the bloodiest day of the American civil war - we - your loyal followers, must know what happens next....Please drop everything and and put him, and us, out or our misery!! Best Regards, Pat
Enjoyed the Sharpe series and just finishing Starbuck Chronicles. Your FAQ indicated this series is not dead. Any time frame for the next book? Really a good read.
Dan Markley
Dear Mr Bernard Cornwell I have read all your books I really enjoyed the starbuck chronicles but I am a bit sad because the story is not yet finished when will there be more the book called the bloody ground finished abruptly I would like to know are there any more books about starbuck and friends. Mervyn j.c.Rickard
Hi Bernard, It's that same old question again from me in Bolton UK, whens Starbuck back? I miss your books about him and the Civil War, I spend my time reading about the Civil War and shooting the weapons they used. I cannot start to understand how they did what they did with those weapons as I know the difficulty in loading them in a civilised enviroment never mind on a battlefield. Good luck with your new books and hopefully sometime soon you will get back to Starbuck. Tim
I enjoyed the Starbuck Chronicles so much. Can we look forward to another which should be about the time of Gettesburg I assume?
Richard Botwright
I do hope to return to Starbuck one of these days!