Your Questions


Well Mr cornwell,

what can i say other than what a beautifully written ending to my all time favourite series. That ending was spectacular. I've often wondered and worried how uhtreds story was going to an end and you did it remarkable justice. I cried. I cried because be was alive, he was happy and he got his happy ending. We've met a few times at book signing and ive told you before that i adore uhtred more than my own boyfriend and you even signed my book "To Zoe, who uhtred would adore" which I'll always be proud of haha. My qiestion to you is; did you always have that ending in mind for uhtred are was it a last minute thing?



The Battle of Brunanburh was always my end point, so it was planned.



Would you ever consider using a descendant of Uhtred to tell the Story of the battles of Stamford Bridge and Hastings?

Peter Brown


It's not in my plans at the moment.


Dear Bernard

This is just a quick one off question about the new Sharpe Novel but will Sharpe be meeting the Iron Marshal at all.

And for real life did Wellington and Davout ever meet in real life? That would've been an interesting meeting to observe




I doubt Sharpe will meet any of the Marshals, but as it isn’t written yet I can’t be certain. I have no record of thre Duke meeting Davout. He did meet Soult later in life, and Marmont who the Duke rather tactlessly introduced to the gunner who had fired the shot which deprived Marmont of his arm.


Dear Bernard,

I hope you are well?

I have literally just finished your new book War Lord.

I started reading The Last Kingdom on the advice of my father in 2004 at the young age of 14, before this novel I had only read a mere 4 books from cover to cover (3 of them being your Warlord Chronicles because my love of King Arthur) this was down to my severe dyslexia and I missed over a year at school as I was recovering from a broken neck. I picked up the hardback and admired the front over, flipped it over to read the blurb and was my instant reaction was "Nah not for me...." Long story short, about a week later I struggled my way through the first chapter and from then until now I have been hooked.

Being a born and bred Northumbrian I feel invested in Uhtred's story, I grew up with him. I am devastated now the novels are over.

I wrote to you some time ago about how Id like to see Uhtred's tale end and I suggested possible spin off novels about Uhtred's descendants (i.e. his grandson Uchtred the Bold and the blood feuds of Northumbria etc) the part they played in forming England's history. You replied saying you were long in years and starting another series of novels about the dark ages seemed daunting to say the least.

My question to you is a simple one, given the choice would you prefer a bed death, hoping that gripping a sword hilt, wishing your past deeds and reputation is enough to see you into the halls of Valhalla as you slip away peacefully or would you prefer to don the war paint of the úlfhéðinn and charge the centre of a shieldwall and allow the Valkeries to lift you straight to Valhalla?

Kurt the Northumbrian


There’s no real choice – die in bed!


I have just been reading the post you received about the way the earlier Sharpe books fitted in with the latter books and how you regretted having to kill off lady Grace. If you could of kept her alive would you have let her become a permanent part of Sharpe’s life or would she have fallen by the wayside?   Any way. I always felt sorry that she had to die.

Bryan Smith


It might be nice to keep her alive....but I guess we'll never know!


Dear Bernard

I'm just writing in as I was curious as to your thoughts on the Plattsburgh campaign controversy. Sir George Prevost had an Army of mainly Peninsular War Vetrans with Generals handpicked by Wellington himself. In the fallout of the campaign,  those Generals were furious with him retreating. They thought they could've won easily. While the Naval Commander Yeo blamed him for the Naval defeat on the Lake, saying he forced Downie into attacking. I just wondered what your thoughts were on the subject as I'd love to know



BTW if you've not read it I can recommend All There Glories Past by Donald E Graves which covers Plattsburgh and The Siege of Fort Erie



Forgive me, but I have no thoughts on it at all!  I’m ignorant, but you’ve intrigued so I might have thoughts in the future. Sorry!



I really loved War Lord, and was genuinely surprised with how you incorporated the historical Ealdred into Uhtred's story. Just before War Lord was released I found my father's biological family through a DNA test and found that I too am a descendant of Uhtred the Bold (I suppose you and I must be distantly related), I already loved your books before and though I know they're fiction it definitely made me feel more connected to the story. I'm glad Uhtred, despite being ancient, managed to shoulder his way into the shieldwall one last time.

I was wondering if there's any historical find in particular you imagine to represent Serpent-Breath? I'm sure Ealdwulf would've given her a proper Anglo-Saxon hilt?

Best wishes ,



The Bamburgh Castle sword is as good as any. It’s much too early, of course, but it is a pattern-welded blade. Serpent-Breath would have had a longer blade and I’ve no doubt Ealdwulf gave her a traditional hilt.


Dear Mr. Cornwell,

I just finished reading the Sharpe Series, it was fascinating. You mentioned several time that it was possible to buy (and sell) officer licenses in the British army.  One thing I never understood is how this worked in practice: someone bought a license and what happened then? Did he get a military training / education after he bought a license?I cannot imagine being in the army without proper training.

Best regards

Chris Zier


I’m not sure it’s best described as a licence. You purchased the commission, so if you bought a Lieutenancy in, say, the 52nd Foot, you were automatically a Lieutenant in that regiment.  You had to be 16 years old to purchase the lowest officer’s rank, but after that you could purchase promotion  up the ranks, though there was a time restriction – a Lieutenant had to wait three years to buy a Captain’s commission. It was possible to purchase up to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, after which promotion was by either seniority or ability. In a normal regiment of line infantry the prices of a subaltern’s commission was 400 pounds, a Lieutenant cost 550, Captain was 1500, Major 2600 and Lt. Col 3,500. There was no training other than what a man received in the battalion he joined. There was training for artillery officers and, eventually, a staff college, but the average British officer learned on the job! It  does seem mighty strange to us today, but it worked well enough!



I'm a latecomer to Sharpe's world and I absolutely love it! I must say though, being a Spaniard, I was rooting for the Santísima Trinidad in "Sharpe's Trafalgar" hehe.

I was wondering, since you did not write the books chronologically, how did you manage to "make sense" of his past and his future since, sometimes for you, his future was written in your past and vice versa?

Gracias for so many adventures!



Oh, there is much that doesn't make sense!  In truth the ‘dovetailing’ of the Sharpe books isn’t as neat as I’d like it. The women especially suffer – they vanish or die because they’re not mention in the first eleven books I wrote, and I regret that (especially Lady Grace from Trafalgar). The worst inconsistency is that in the early books I airily claimed that Sharpe learned to read while he was imprisoned in the Tipu Sultan’s dungeons, but when I wrote that book I discovered he was there less than a week. I fudged it, but either he’s much smarter than I think or it’s really an impossibility.


Mr. Cornwell.

Love your books, especially The Arthur and Saxon stories.  I would absolutely love to read something by you that takes place closer to the Arthurian period, such as after or during Rome's departure from Britannia.  What do you think?

Thanks. -



That's not in my plans now.....