Dear Mr. Cornwell, Thank you for chosing writing as your career. You bring so much knowledge and enjoyment into our lives but what I believe may be even more important - you encourage a whole new generation to read books on history as a follow up. I have always been interested in history and anthropology of culture and even studied the subject for a while. Now I continue reading on my own. I would be very grateful if you could suggest a few books which would help me in better understanding of: 1. pre-Roman Britain 2. Celts and Druids I have some knowledge of Latin as I have studied it for 4 years(long time ago), but would prefer a translation. I can also read in French and Italian. Alas - no Greek or German. Scholarly books and/or essays - do not frighten me. I do enjoy reading them. There are so many books on the market and one cannot have or read them all. The sources you have used for your research seem to be the ones I am looking for and I hope you would not mind sharing them with me. For the past few years I have concentrated on Asia and somewhat neglected Europe. Also, I would be very grateful if you could comment on my question concerning Merlin. There are many "versions" and "variations" on this character in numerous book and movies. The one I found very close to my heart was Merlin from John Boorman excellent movie Excalibur. His sarcasm and wit came back to my mind when reading your Arthur trilogy. Did you even remotely think of Boorman's portryal when creating your Merlin? And did you like this movie? Thank you so much for all your books and especially for the Arthur trilogy. Your devoted fan, Basia Jakubowska, New York
Have you had a chance to take a look at the 'Suggestions for Further Reading' pages? You'll find them on the book pages throughout this website. Many of the books I've used in research are listed there.
I'm afraid I never saw the movie, not sure how I missed, but I did, so I can't have been influenced by it, though I do think I was influenced by T.H. White's great book!