Your Questions


Hi Mr Cornwell, Just to let you know that I have read all your books so far about Uhtred and look forward in anticipation to the next episode, although I have an Irish surname I am born and bread in Northumberland, not too far from Bamburgh(Bebbanburgh) and the books bring to life what my home county must have been like in those dark and forbidding times, my Mothers family where Armstrongs the famous Border Reiver family, have you had any thoughts on maybe writing about the dark deeds carried out by such families as these and all the cross border battles and thieving that went on ? James Hennessey


Probably not a book set in the later mediaeval period - the high-tide mark of reiving, but certainly Uhtred will get caught up in all that. And the Armstrongs are indeed famous in the area! You have good ancestry!


Dear Mr. Cornwell: I have just finished Sword Song and am eagerly ready to take up the last of the Saxon series. What has made this series so personal to me is that I am (as best as I can determine) related to many of the main characters. I am directly related to King Alfred through his son Edward and also his daughter Alfthryth. A little sketchier is my direct relationship to Ragnar "Lodbrok" Sigurdson presumably through his son Sigurd. That would make Ivar and Ubba uncles. Even though the main character Uhtred is fictional, I do show in this rather strange looking tree, an Ughtred of Northumbria, son of Walroef. His numbers are 100 years later than your story's hero, but he is tantalizingly close in name and place. Any connection--storytelling wise that is? Would you have any suggestions on how I can get more reliable information of the viking side? Looking forward to reading more of your works. Thank you so very much, David Hess


There's a big connection! The Uhtred clan goes back to the sixth century (on paper, much earlier in reality) when Ida the Flamebearer captured what would become Bebbanburg. The name Uhtred appears in the 7th Century and was used by the family for the next 500 years (it's now Oughtred), so there was an Uhtred of Northumbria in the period I write about, and he's my direct ancestor - though we know almost nothing about those Uhtreds so my version is entirely fictional!


Do you ever dream of retirement? A quiet solitude, bereft of prying individuals like myself, where you sit at peace with the world. Or do you see yourself as an worried man, anxious to see the story end in so many envisioned worlds you have created? Remember, we have but one life, so live it well, give joy and take same when it passes your way, for the next life may be a long darkness. mind you the religious might have it right! you have given me many years of joy and if retirement suits you you are more than deserving of it. slan leat ma chara.
James Press


I retired thirty years ago. I spend my retirement writing books, sailing and, occasionally, appearing on stage. I can't imagine ever stopping any of those things, though doubtless decrepitude and senility will get me in the end! Am I a worried man? No! And thank you for a lovely message :-)


Mr. Cornwell, Who wins in a fist fight: Uhtred, Derfel,or Sharpe? Thanks for all the great stories. I cannot wait to see what comes next.
Brandon Foote


Oh, I have no idea!! Truly! I think they'd all like each other far too much, but if they had to? The biggest rogue would win...


Mr. Cornwell, Thank you so much for the slave girl scene in Burning Land. You promised me once that Uhtred would indeed meet an Oriana, though we may not know see her name. I have declared that page to be mine! (I wrote "Me" in the corner and dog-eared the page!) My dad had a weird expression on his face when he returned it to me after borrowing my UK version some time back. eeek! :D Any possible way you can give me an idea when I might next be able to pay double for your book by ordering a newly released UK publishing of a new Saxon series book? I must know...I must watch his life from afar. I miss my valiant yet brazen pagan warrior and all his irreverence! Its been at least a year now since I have last been with my true love Uhtred...hasn't it? My ardent affections to Uhtred's creator- Oriana

I would like to know if you will be releasing another book in the saxon stories after the burning lands any time soon.

Hello Mr. Cornwell, I love all your work especially the Warlord trilogy, Arthur is a personal favorite. So I was wondering what you're working on right now? Can't wait for the Fort, though I must admit Captivate, Kill or Destroy was a bloody great title! Thanks, Nauras

I am one of your many devoted readers and have enjoyed all of these books thus written. Do you have plans for more Saxon Tales? I finished The Burning Land some time ago and that series is one of my most liked of all your books. I thank you for the pleasure given in reading your work. Bobby Gant

I really like the saxon books, when is the next installment coming?

Dear Mr. Cornwell. I am a great fan of you here in Brazil and I love your books. I pretty much read all your books and I am very grateful for your writing. My question is: Will the Saxon Chronicles continue after the Vol 5? When do you intent to launch? Best regards, Eduardo

Mr. Cornwell, I am a great fan of your books, especially the Saxon tales. When can i get another installment of UHTRED? I am jonesing for more action. Thank You, Darrell

Saxon Stories are great! Just finished The Burning Land. Will there be a sixth book? Need to find out what happens to Uhtred. Many thanks for hours of great reading. John

When will you be publishing the 6th book in the Saxon Stories series - really waiting for the next one ?????
Andrew Moriarty

I am an avid reader of your Saxon Stories. Kindly advise if you know when the next installment will be published. Regards. Michael Mirone

Good Afternoon Great Master, I am huge fan of very far, to be more precise from Manaus - AM, Brazil, from the heart of the Amazonian forest. I am great fan of your books, I have almost all the publications made in Brazil. I would like to know if the story of Uhtred finishes in the book Land in Flames, if not, already exists a date for the publication of the next one? Greetings from forest. P.S. Forgive poor writing in English, I speak very better of what I write. Rodrigo Vasques


Thanks to all for those messages. I am now writing the 6th book of the Saxon Tales. I hope you will be reading more of Uhtred's story by autumn of next year.


Dear Bernard Cornwell, I'm one fan of yours from Brazil. Sincerely I just LOVE the way you tell in your books how things used to be in a violent period of time of our world history. You make that time sounds magic. Thomas is such a great man, a lovely gentleman. I just wonder how you got inspired to write so perfectly his characteristics, his qualities ... Well, hope you answer me soon.

Oh, and just one question, do you like the rock band Rhapsody of Fire? They're from Italy, and they expose lots of the nordic mythology. If you never heard, should try, any day, any time, when you're free ... so hardly, I think. But that's it. Love your writings. Sincerely, Melissa


You're so nice to say that! Is he a gentleman? I think he's very human, and flawed like the rest of us, but he does want to be a good man! I never quite know where my characters come from, though I recognize some of me in nearly all of them - especially the villains! Obrigado!

I don't know them, but I should warn you I'm a boring old fart when it comes to music, my taste being for liturgical choral works (especially) and more or less ending with Faure.


Dear Mr Cornwell. I first became familiar with your work with the Sharpe series and am the proud owner of the full series collection all have been re-read many times, i hope your not quite finished with Richard yet and look forward to future installments. I have just finished the grail quest series which was especially enjoyable as i have been an archer myself for 3 years now. I am going to commission a bowyer to make me a longbow (similar to Thomas of hooktons)here comes the bit i hope you can help with. i wonder if you have any images of the yale on the front of the harlequin cover, i am not sure how or where from yet but i would dearly love to acquire a silver yale to affix to my bow when it is completed. My archery friends who have also read the books would be green with envy, especially if you had a small part in it yourself. Please keep up the good work. Respectfully yours, Adrian


I don't, sorry! Perhaps the Oxford Book of Heraldry may be of some help?


Hi Bernard, my name is Michel and I like to read your books. Sorry, but I don´t speak english very well. I´m 25 and I am Brazilian. Yesterday I finished to read "The Last Kingdom" for the second time and I have a question for you: It´s about "Brida". Tell me, did you read "Brida" from Paulo Coelho? Sorry by my english again. I would like very much if you could to answer me. Have a great day and thank you very much for this wonderful book. Blessed be.
Michel Fernandes


I'm afraid I've never read Paulo Coelho (though I have friends who are huge fans), so I'm sorry - no.


The link to purchase 'Growing Up Peculiar' no longer works, and I'm unable to find it on Amazon. Have they taken it down?
Kate Musler


I guess they have....thanks for letting us know!


Hi. Loved Uhtred. But since I'm of Welsh extraction I have a few issues with the Saxons. How about a series with a Welsh hero? Oh, I suppose you can make him an archer, if you must. ;) Thanks, John


I really have very few links with Wales, other than fond memories of vacations there, and (lucky me) a couple of friends who live in mid-Wales. Probably best left to a Welsh author.