Hello I was wondering if you had any plans for any new Sharpe novels or has it finished?. Looking forward to your answer and have been a big fan since it first appeared on TV and then got me reading the books. James Chapman
I have all your books apart from 2 of the Sharpe books I think,so I am a big fan. I admit some of them I didn't find as easy to read as others but they are all good books in their own way. Sharpe is still my hero I'm considering changing my name to Gary John Richard Sharpe Norman but my wife will kill me when i do lol. I just wanted to know if you planned to write anymore Sharpe books? I've just started reading the series from the beginning for the 3rd time. I don't know where or how you could continue the books, but please please please write a short story about Sharpe's youth up until he took Hakeswill shilling.
Gary Norman
I love all your Sharpe books so much so that I've read them all at least three times.I have been waiting patiently for another one [well maybe not so patiently]. Do you have any idea when another one will come out? A rough estimate will do. Until one comes out I think I'll try The Saxon Stories. I find it hard to find an author that keeps my interest.Any suggestions?
William Evans
Dear Mr. Cornwell, Thanks for your books -- great reads that I have frequently revisited so I could catch up with old friends (and enemies). I follow your activities on your website and have noticed questions and potential books in the offing for the Starbuck Chronicles and the Saxon Stories. Any thoughts on when we may see a new Sharpe adventure?
Ross Fleckenstein
Yes, there will be more Sharpe....and another short story is always a possibility!
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