I have read all of the Saxon stories up to the burning land and was wondering when there will be a 6th book out,if u have a date i have missed please let me no. Thank you for your time. Jake
Is this the last book for the Saxon tales? Robert Jenson
I'm huge fan of the saxon tales or saxon stories and I was wondering if you had started the next book in the series after burning land? Kleist Adam
Dear Mr Cornwell I would like to say that I think the saxon series is brilliant but the time between each book is too long. When is the next one to be published? The waiting is unbearable. Dave Robson
I just finished "Burning Land". I love this series. Am I right to hope for another book? Karen Airulla
Will there be more of the saxon series? I'd hate to have a case of saxon interupptus, looks like there is great potential for more. Bill Powell
I know you will get Hundreds of these emails every day, but I would still like to say you have changed the way i think about books. As a teenager of 16 its unusual for me to be such an avid reader, your books have made me so and i would like to thank you for it. The Saxon stories have reawakened my interest in history and your wonderful characters have been almost a constant companion through out the past few years. This being so I would like to inquire about when you will be thinking about writing or indeed publishing the next book in the series, and will uthred ever retake his fortress by the sea.
John Devine
Hi Mr. Cornwell, Sorry to be 'that person', but I just have to ask: when will the next Saxon book be coming out? (at least I waited 8 months right?) :)