Hi again Mr. Cornwell. Permit me a somewhat personal question. Your heroes are all basically fighting men, skilled in the use of weapons. Where do you stand on the ordinary citizen's right to keep and bear arms? Your perspective is of interest, since you come from a country where there is no such right (Britain) and now live in one (USA) where it is written into the Constitution. I know this question is getting into politics, so if you'd rather not divulge your viewpoint, that's okay, I understand. Alan Kempner
Think of a dozen of your acquaintances and work out whether you want any or all of them to carry a handgun? You must know at least one irresponsible idiot? Luck you if you don't. I'm not sure that one rule fits all, and it's my conviction that the Constitution is very clear . . . the right to bear arms is tied to the need to raise a militia. If it isn't, why mention the militia at all? Why not say 'there are so many whitetail deer that the right to bear arms . . . '. I'm all for the Swiss system. whereby folk who have undergone military training and service have the right to bear arms, but spare me the ****wits who just like guns!