Dear Mr. Cornwell, Being a long time fan of Arthurian, Celtic and Saxon historic fiction and your books, I am now starting in the 4th book of the Saxon Tales and imagine my surprise, being a Dutch woman in the USA, that your dedication is in Dutch. I had to read it several times and make sure I didn't bring the book with me from the Netherlands, but nope, I bought it here not so long ago. Without wanting to be too personal or too nosy, I would like to ask if there is a specific reason for this? I can imagine people here in the US reading it and not having a clue what it means :) I hope you have the time to answer and satisfy my curiosity. Have a wonderful day! Astrid Wagenaar
Aukje is a dear friend who helped me with some queries I had about Frisia - just that! And I liked the 'Once upon a time . . . ' in Dutch!