Your Questions


Dear Bernard, I have been a big fan for many years, the Sharpe books and especially the Starbuck chronicles. I am very interested in the American civil war, I know you get asked this a lot but will there be anymore Starbuck books. please let me know thank you for your time. Justin.

Dear Mr C. Let me just say, thank you so much for Starbuck. He and his companions kept me sane through many long weekends at my old boarding school, and (I'm sure you have guessed the question coming already) is there a definite time he will be coming back? Or has he been abandoned? It's a shame, of all your fantastic characters I like him the most. Thanks a lot, Patrick


He is not abandoned! but merely on vacation. I wish I could tell you when he'll be back, but I just don't know for sure right now.


I have to admit openly that I did not think I would enjoy your writing , and this is purely down to the Sharpe tv Series . ( I'm not the biggest Sean Bean fan )& preconceptions were drawn from the tv shows . however I was not aware of any of your other book series , A friend of mine convinced me to start reading the Saxon series & I thoroughly enjoyed them & can't wait for the next book in the story line to come out , this in turn has led me to the Arthur series which is masterful & evocative , I also enjoyed the grail quest , Though again in truth I felt the character of Thomas Hookton at the end was going a little stale . I still haven't got over my prejudice to Sharpe , though they always say that a film never does justice to the book.

Have you ever considered stories around the Crusades or Knights templars / Hospitalers / Teutons etc . having said all that I do heartily now recommend the Arthur & Saxon series to a goodly number of friends , & can honestly say that I am won round to your style & prose , ps :- I will one day start the Sharpe series .



To be honest? No. Not sure I will either, but never say never.


Hi Bernard, I'm currently finishing off the last of the grail series and loving it. I'll be sorry to say goodbye to Thomas! I have a question for you, if you do not mind answering it. Amongst your many great attributes as a writer is your ability to handle dialogue. It seems to be your ability to interweave the critical dialogue with just the right mix of extraneous dialogue i.e. banter etc and at the same time interweaving descriptive actions of the characters which are consistent with the scene and the dialogue. I am on the second and in many places the third draft of a novel and I am finding my dialogue somewhat flat and unadorned. Mine is more of the type "We will be invaded on Saturday", he said. "Make ready the garrison" the king replied etc etc. My dialogue makes very clear what is happening but it lacks the depth or ring of authenticity you manage to convey. Would you have any quick tips you could impart to add a bit of depth and flourish to my dialogue?? I think its about imagining one's self in the scene and figuring out how I'd act and what I'd do etc but if you could give a pointer or two that would be just great. Thanks again Bernard Regards Willie


Not sure how much use my pointer would be - but all I can say is that I hear the voices as I write! I don't really think about it. I do think it's best to avoid deliberately archaic constructions (make ready the garrison), unless they point up a characteristic of the speaker. Better, I think, to write modern colloquial, avoiding anachronisms. I was once accused of making Sharpe speak in far too casual a manner . . . so I showed my accuser some dialogue taken from a novel and asked if that was too modern - he replied yes - and was somewhat surprised that the dialogue was lifted from Jane Austen. I was surprised, and pleased, that one chronicler suggests that Henry V's last injunction before Agincourt was 'Let's go, fellas!' Wonderfully modern - but if I had tried to make the rest of his dialogue genuinely 15th Century the book would have been unreadable! Loosen the stays a little, write it colloquially, listen to the speaker's intonation in your head, and I'm sure it will be okay!


Hi Bernard! Just wanted to say that I am a huge fan of yours and have pretty much all of your books. My question to you is about the Rings of Derfel and Ceinwyn in Excalibur. Is there an image of these rings that you can point me to or send me? I ask because I am getting married this year and have always dreamed of getting these rings made for myself and my future wife to be wed with.

Clint C


I wish I could help you - the rings are not historical, but something I made up. I can only suggest you take what little description there is of them and discover a goldsmith who could interpret that. Sorry about that - but I hope you have a great wedding and a happy marriage!


Hi, Well... where to begin. Ok, I'll start with your books. I have read as many of the Sharpe books as I can get hold of, have read the first of the Arthur books (I am saving up to get hold of the others), and am currently up-to-date with the Saxon stories. I really enjoy your work - I have just finished reading the Saxon series (so far) for the fourth or fifth time, and I am still enjoying them as much as I did when I first read them. I started reading your books at around 12 years old, beginning (I think...) with one of the Sharpe books my parents borrowed from our local library, and have been trying to get hold of as many as I can ever since. Now for a couple of questions to do with the Saxon books: - In book 3, Gisela mentions that she and Uhtred will have 2 sons, and one of them will break Uhtred's heart while the other will make him proud. Will this part of his later family life feature in any of the upcoming books? - In the first two books, Alfred's eldest daughter Athelflaed is mentioned a lot, along with a barrage of hints that she may (and probably will) be very closely linked with Uhtred once she has grown up. Will she become more closely linked with him than she is at the end of book 4? That's all I have question wise. Other than that, all I can say is that your work is great, and has influenced my own writing style tremendously. Thanks for reading all that! - Chris


Oh, yes! (same answer to both questions)


Have you ever thought about Richard Sharpe meeting up with Horatio Hornblower?( I know you would need to get permission to write about another person's chractor) or travelling to America? I love your stories...keep up the good work
Thomas Rivers


I suspect the copyright difficulties would prevent this so it is very unlikely. Sorry, I can't send Sharpe to America (if you read Sharpe's Siege you'll know why).


Hi, I was just wondering if you will ever consider writing a book set in WW2, because there aren't many I know of and I think you would do a great job of it!If not, are there any good ones you can suggest? Thanks, Very useful website thankyou
Bill Herklots


I don't have plans for a WW2 book - I prefer to stick to the more distant past! Did you check the Reading Club pages of this website for a book recommendaton?


Dear Mr. C I ran into your one of your books about a 2 years ago it was "The Last Kingdom". I had bought it cause it was on sale and after I began to read it you caught me like a wild fire! it was amazing! and I have finished all the Saxon series and waiting the best I can for the 5th book! I just absolutely love your writing style and books! and I was wondering when or if you are ever coming to Oklahoma city area? and to let you know that is the only series I have read so far but I am about to get the Arthur series pretty soon but I can't stop thinking about the Saxon saga!

Justin Hensley


Glad to know you like the books! I don't have plans for a visit to Oklahoma City, sorry!


Hi! I am a brazilian fan that adores your books. You are simply the best! I suggest you to write stories with Scottish people, Scotland... It would be very good! Sorry for my poor english... Thank you.

Emerson Mexx


Thank you for the suggestion. I'm not sure it will happen though, as I believe it is probably better to let Scottish people write stories about Scottish history.


Dear Mr. Cornwell, At the suggestion of a friend, I started listening to your Sharpe series books on CD (Frederick Davidson is a superb reader). I am, of course, completely hooked and would like to buy the books as a set. Unfortunately, Amazon and other vendors sell the books individually with various printings, covers, bindings, etc. I happen to own a set of the Patrick O'Brian Aubrey/Maturin series as a box set that the publisher put out a few years back. It was marvelous to have them all together. If your publisher were to offer the Sharpe series as a box set (hardback or trade paper) I would certainly buy it. That would help substantially since some of your earlier books are becoming hard to find. Perhaps other readers also would wish to have a box set? My thanks for allowing me to write. Your web site is nicely designed and very helpful. Best, Steve White, M.D.


Thank you! I guess a boxed set is a possibility, but not likely until the series is finished.