Hey, hope you are well Two very petty questions but was just wondering... Firstly, why do the majority of your novels contain no heavy swear words, especially the 'f' one? This doesn't detract at all, just pure curiosity considering they must have been ubiquitous in a soldier's vocabulary and, what with the graphic battle scenes and frequent violent death, it's not as if there can be a vast under 11 crowd to risk alienating. And secondly, do you conform to that saying about being your own harshest critic or are you fairly easy-going about your novels? Oh, and have you re-read Sharpe's Eagle yet? (Sorry, that's three) Thanks for taking the time and good luck with the writing. Max
I guess I avoid the efficacious word simply because it offends too many people (not me), and why offend unnecessarily? I think I'm my own most perspicacious critic, but I'm sure that's true of most writers. Third answer? No!