Dear Mr Cornwell, I Hope you are well sir. Mr Cornwell...It bugs me that there is not enough 'black-powder' novels out there; well, I can't find many anyway. There seems to be a lot of naval novels out there though. My area of interest though is infantry in the time of black-powder...this steams from me being a black-powder target shooter. I love your Sharpe novels, I think they truly are some of the best, If not the best out there (My favourite being Havoc, when Sharpe meets that company of Portuguese soldiers; or Rifles, the bit I like is when the 95th are held up in the farm house, surrounded by dragoons) . I have not started the Starbuck one's yet. It seems stupid but as I know nothing about the American Civil war (apart from the guns that were used :-))I would like to know a bit about the war before I start them. In previous years I have found a few authors who write about the army throughout the BP era. The Crimean Fancy Jack novels, the new Spanish Succession Jack Steele books plus a few others. Some were wonderful, some felt like reading a 2x4. In my opinion, we need more of these historical army novels. Books that follow soldiers and there adventures. The next question will probably be on par with asking a footballer if he's planning on buying a flash car, he will, but what one, and when is another matter but...are you perhaps planning (or could you kindly ponder) a novel/series on books set in The Crimean War? I just think it's a very interesting time, that could be covered wonderfully by your talent. I'm sure I'm not the only one out there that thinks so. Thank-you sir for your time Andrew