Sir; on a living history forum that I take part in, the subject of the authenticity of glass bottomed tankards, & if they were true to 18th c. use. --You may be familiar with the story of such things being used to thwart the creative recruiting sergeants that used pubs & taverns for recruiting, that would slip the King's Shilling into a "free" drink for a prospective recruit, who upon finishing the drink, found himself in His Majesty's service. My question is, have you found in your research, if this kind of thing really did happen? And is this in fact how glass bottomed tankards came about? --It's definitely a good story, but none in the forum is really sure. Perhaps you might shed some light on this subject? --Thanks, Terry
I'm sorry, I don't have a clue! I know the story, but it seems a bit far-fetched to me. Sorry again!