Your Questions


Dear Bernard, I eagerly await you new novel. After reading all of yours, I read all of John Sandford's and now need more fodder. I attended and competed in the Nationals of the North South skirmish association last weekend. One of the divisions of the competition was the firing of cannons. The Parrot rifles were incredibly accurate, their cannon balls cutting into the same hole time after time. The range of the Parrot rifles was something in access of two miles, with the British built Whitworth gun it was even longer range. My question is why didn't Robert E. Lee see the danger to Picketts division and the other units of Pickett's Charge on Day 3 of Gettysburg? A mile and 1/2 of open ground to cover to come to grips with Hancocks command should have seemed like a suicidal proposition to a rational mind. Your thoughts on Marsh Roberts decision- making process on 2,3 July 1863?
Bob Long


I suspect only Robert E Lee can answer your question! But . . . .I assume he felt the attack was necessary, he doubtless hoped his own artillery would neutralise the northern guns, and I wonder whether, in the heat of battle, the artillery was as accurate as it is in competition? They're firing through a vast veil of smoke, the ammunition is probably not the finest, the guns are worn, they're under fire themselves and assailed by all the chaos and confusion of battle. Hindsight tells us it was a mistake, but my guess is necessity drove the decision because the devil was in the driving seat!


Have you found that being an experienced author changes how you read fiction written by others? Can you read a book and enjoy it for what it is, or do you find that yourself unintentionally analyzing the structure, story flow, and language choice? Mark


Absolutely! I find I read without being (I hope) super-critical - especially books of the kind I don't (can't) write! I really love a well told detective story or police procedural and simply get lost in them. I do find it incredibly hard to read most historical novels though, which is a pity, but I did recently read Robert Harris's Imperium and thought it was superb.


Hi again, Mr. Cornwell. Have you given any thought to writing a series focusing on the border rievers and all the fighting that raged on the English-Scot border during Tudor times? I'd love to see your take on the battle of Flodden (1513), as well as Solway Moss (1542), Ancrum Moor (1545), and Pinkie Cleugh (1547). What do you think? Alan Kempner


I've thought about it, but am really not sure it's going to happen! I have so many other books I want to write, but I'm not saying it's a total impossibility!


Hi Bernard When will Sharpe and Harper ride again ? Cheers, Chris


Not for at least a year - or two.


I enjoyed the grail quest series. re the archery, when did archers start to use the finger tab?

Mick Collinson


I have no idea! Probably the 19th century? But that's a wild, wild guess


Any idea of when there will be the follow on from the lords of the north? Tim Harris

I wanted to take the time to say, What a wonderful story teller you are!. I have only read "the Saxon Stories". But I have not been able to put any of them down, some times I will read them twice when I get them so I don't miss anything. I have not had time to investigate all of your books, but I intend to try. When is the sequel for "The Lords of the North" going to make it to Canada?. I truly love your books, I am fascinated with the history involved with Vikings invading England I have Family history there. Your Books make me think of what My long lost ancestors might have been up to At that time. Once again Thank you for publishing your stories, and PLEASE PLEASE Keep writing without wax Lindsay Thurgood

Hi...just a quick you think that there will be a 4th book in the Saxon Stories? I was soooo in love with the character Uhtred and I have never read any book like this, I usually stick to corny love stories or thrillers but now I am all for your types of novels and have gotten everyone in my family turned on to them (i.e: The Grail quest and Arthur books.) Anyway, "Lord's of the North" ended with the possibility of a 4th novel and I was just curious if my hunch was right? Thank you so much for your great storytelling and incredible insight! Nicole


Yes, there will be a fourth book, to be called Sword Song. We hope to have it published in the UK and Canada in October and in the US next January.


Hey Mr. Cornwell I've read the Saxon stories and I've just finished reading Nate Starbuck's chronicles and I was wondering if you have plans for writing another book on Starbuck's series? Thanks For your attention, thank you, Armando


Yes, I hope to get back to Starbuck before too long!


Dear Mr. Cornwell, As a writer and reader I love all things historic; Fiction or Non-Fiction. That being said I am still a relative newbie to your novels thus far. I have been reveling through your Saxon series lately and have enjoyed them immensely. I took a break from them this month to read your "Stonehenge", which absolutely floored me! And that's a good thing ;-) I found the entire thing completely captivating from start to finish. My compliments, sir! Have you ever considered writing about a non-European culture in any of your books? Say, for example, the disappearance of the Mayans or perhaps a story set amidst one of the ancient Chinese dynasties? I think you would be quite good at it! Thank you! Jeff from Indiana ~


If I did I would lie down until the temptation passed. I'm steeped in British and, to a lesser extent, American and European history and really don't see any advantage in tackling subjects I don't know, or don't feel comfortable with. You write what you want to read! It's my loss, of course, but I'm getting too old to change.


Hi... I'm a real big fan of your "Saxon" novels and I'm dieing for the next installment. I also have a question for you... you mentioned that Hild from "Lords of the North" became a saint. By any chance is she a composite of other saints named Hild? I went to the Catholic website but there was no St. Hildegyth only Hilds and a Hildreth (who was a man). I was just wondering if you could clear that up? Thanks and keep up the good work.. P.S. can't wait till the new "Saxon" novel comes out Uhtred rocks!! David Barnsin


Did I say that? It was fiction if I did, though there was a famous Abbess Hild. There isn't a huge stock of Saxon names to choose from, and an especial dearth of womens' names, so I think the confusion arose there.


Dear Mr Cornwell, I've just finished writing a book. Excepting a few minor things I need to check it's entirely finished. I was wondering if there is some sort of standard format that manuscripts should take? (At 12pt Times New Roman I get 550-600 words per A4 page, which seems rather a lot). Also, I've not yet begun agent-hunting, and if you know of any agents interested in the fantasy genre and could help me make contact I'd be very grateful (I know you don't write fantasy, so this is a long shot, but I thought it worth a try). Many thanks for your assistance with this, and for writing so many good books (especially the Warlord Chronicles). Richard


Double space it! That's more or less it! Really! Add page numbering, spellcheck, send off, pour a whiskey. You're done. (Sorry, I don't know any agents in the fantasy genre. Did you check the Writers' and Artists' Yearbook?) Good luck!