hello Mr Cornwell, a couple of those "what if" questions that you like so much!
1)if the British army and navy had joined the Confederates, would they have been able to beat the industrial north? 2) if the English lined their long bowmen up like they did with their musketiers, would they have been able to hold their stretch of the line? is there any examples of this happening? also, why did no one use skirmishers in India? well, I can't find any record of them being used. not even the British battalions who had them did. why? thank you for your time! best regards Chris
1) Well it would have been a right royal mess! Who knows? I can't see British generals working smoothly with Robert E Lee (who would have been better than anything the Brits sent), thought the Royal Navy would undoubtedly have made a huge difference, and the south would have been well supplied with materiel. But would the north have invaded Canada? Maybe. And would another country have intervened on the North's side to take advantage of British distraction to snap up parts of Britain's empire? And is there honey still for tea? It's an impossible question, I think, to answer, beyond that it would have been an unholy mess!
2) In essence bowmen were in lines, but rather thick lines, because the trajectory of an arrow allows you to shoot it safely over the heads of the guys in front (can't do that with a musket). And the British certainly used skirmishers in India! Only they're probably referred to by that period as light infantrymen.