Hi Bernard, Thanks for your prompt reply to my last enquiries. I have yet to read Sharpe's Siege so do not know what his reasons for not fighting the Americans were-can you enlighten me? In the film version with good old Sean Bean it is not mentioned, although in the screen version of Sharpe's Battle he does make the comment about the Americans never having anything good to say about the British. My reasons for wanting to see Sharpe involved in the war of 1812 are purely selfish, I have an avid interest in that conflict and also the American Rev war, especially from the British perspective, as far too much guff has been written that is biased towards the Americans. Simple fact is in a straight fight the redcoats were nigh on unbeatable and won virtually every battle, but of course in the case of the revolution lost the war-ho hum! As for you not placing Sharpe in America.... well he's your creation and you are perfectly at liberty to send him where you like, and anyway I guess he would have been too busy pasting the Frenchies.... the timeframe would have meant he would have had little time to scuttle across the atlantic and sort them out as well, more's the pity! Please don't think I am anti-American...far from it, it's just I get a bit hacked off reading a lot of poorly researched material that neglects the fact that the Rev war was essentially a civil war, and often portrays the Brits as redcoated nazis- the film Patriot readily springs to mind-what a load of tosh! Right rant over.
Incidentally, have you read the memoirs of John Peebles? This is a fine insight of the trials and tribulations of fighting in America and illustrates how many of the Brits caught up in this were fine honourable men. Finally...Tarleton! One of my favourite historical characters. In my humble opinion a man who could do with a much needed re-evaluation. Much maligned, and oh soo far from being a saint, but nonetheless not the demonised man of American folklore. In my study I felt compelled to de-bunk the myths and I would love to write a novel about him. Why do you think no-one has really done this before? Too stigmatised maybe? What are your thoughts? Kindest regards for your time. Neil Pearce
Not responsible for the screen version! And I can enlighten you to the extent that it is all clearly explained in Sharpe's Siege! And by saying a deal is a deal, and a promise is a promise. OK?
I have no idea why no one has written about him! You're right, he'd make a terrific subject! I think the Americans have demonized Tarleton because, in many ways, he's rather an American type! He's innovative, energetic, ruthless and effective, and much of the American version of the revolution is based on a comforting myth (part of which is that the British were over-mighty but stupid). The myth crumbles very fast (and the crumbling, to my mind, in no way detracts from the achievements of the Continental Army), but Tarleton doesn't fit the myth so he's turned into a pantomime villain.