Dear Mr. Cornwell, My husband and I are both huge fans of your Grail Quest novels. Recently, my 13 year old had run out of Star Wars books to read and was looking for something new. I've known for years that he would love Thomas' adventures but I felt the subject matter was to adult for him. However at 13 I finally gave in and, with the help of some post-it notes over passages regarding the attacks on a certain Countess, I let him read them. He was enthralled and is now at a point of dissatisfaction with anything similar in the young adult section of the book store. His chief complaint is that they are too "magicy" and not realistic enough. I was wondering if you had any suggestions. I was thinking of having him read "Ivanhoe", a personal favorite from my own childhood. I am curious whether you have thought about delving into the young adult reading level as many other adult authors have done recently. I know my son would love a book about Thomas' early teen years. Anyway, any suggestions you could give would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for coming up with such an amazing adventure, my whole family has truly enjoyed them. Sincerely, Danielle Hughes
Hmmmmm . . . . . I'm not really an expert on young-adult books, sorry. I do note, with some satisfaction, that post-it notes can be peeled off and replaced without leaving any trace, so hope I have contributed to your son's education. I agree with you about Ivanhoe - actually the classics are just that! Robert Louis Stevenson? I'm not being very helpful here, sorry