Hello Mr. Cornwell, Its been a few years since I've written you & I'd like to thank you again for the many hours of enjoyment I've had reading your novels. As a matter of fact I've just recently finished re-reading all the Sharpe novels & the Starbuck Chronicles, & enjoyed them as much as the first read. I know you've been asked this question many times before, but as an American Civil War buff I must ask it again, when will we see the conclusion of Nate's journey. Its been 10 years & having just finished reading them for a second time I recalled my desire for more. Mostly, I was eager to see how Starbuck would exact his revenge on Gilespie(for the torture he inflicted on Nate),& Blythe(for his murder of Rothwell). I beg you sir, its been long enough, please release Starbuck from limbo & let him march again. Again, thank you for your fine works, I've enjoyed them. I wish you well & many more years of literary productivity. John
Dude, I Love your work, just finished The Bloody Ground. Just wanted to know, are you doing any more books in the Starbuck series? Plz say yes man, I'm doin the American Civil War next year, and I find your books really helpful. Cheers anyhow. sincerely, Sean
I do plan to add to the Starbuck series, but probably won't get around to it for another few years yet.