Bernard, I am rapidly becoming a fan of your reading. I love the stories of Uhtred and have a great time listening to them. I started quite by accident with Sword Song, when to my great displeasure my car’s CD player gave way. It was then that I discovered to my delight that there was a whole series. Now I am starting “properly” at the beginning. The CD player has been replaced. I was reading some of your other book descriptions and laughed at “but because I have some characters using the efficacious ‘f’ word. Alas, they did, all the time.” in the description of Redcoat. The f-word is in my opinion a perfectly good and useful word in the English language, it even made its way into the dictionary, though we should probably limit our use of the word to truly momentous occasions – like when you hit your thumb with a hammer (Who says “Oh Sugar” when that happens anyways). Sierk Oudemans