Hello Mr. Cornwell, as you will see I have horrible grammar, and probably just as bad punctuation. But please do bear with me as I write this letter! I just have to say that I have never E-mail an author before because well frankly no author has captured my attention well enough to have a sort of long after there books. You Saxon tales are the greatest books I have ever read, I have read each of them three times, and they are the only series that I continue to read over and over again and cannot get enough of! With that note I would just like to thank you for being such and amazing author and appealing to my biggest interest which is of course the pagan Northmen and Saxons as well! They have captured my imaginations to beyond belief! I have woken from dreams where I felt I was in Uhtred’s shoes in the battle calm feeling the sweet song of the sword! I read about a book a week or two, sometimes when I am busy and have little time maybe a book a month, but your Saxon tales are amazing and I want to thank you for taking me to a land that I wish I could have seen that I wish I could have been in! I do hope another book will be out soon, because I cannot get enough of Uhtred and his conquest to get his rightful home back! Please sir keep doing your good work! And another thing I was wondering if you have any other suggestions to books or series of books I should read that may relate or be very similar to the Saxon Tales. I hope you are doing well good Sir. Sincerely Your Viking Fan, Jacob Lander