Dear Mr. Cornwell: I stumbled across you as an author and your “The Last Kingdom” series by accident, and have become enthralled. You have a new fan. I majored in folklore and mythology–Celtic and Anglo-Saxon– at Harvard, graduating summa cum laude in 1971. Therefore, as you can imagine, this narrative is right up my alley. I am one of your few readers who “got” the ash and thorn pun in the first book of this series (and felt smug about it, to be honest.) :) Unlike you, I was not able to figure a way to make a living by my passion, so I am a veterinarian instead with a penchant for dead languages and vanished (or evolved) cultures. I am now ready to pitch into the Grail Quest and Warlord series, but before I leave Uhtred and Bebbanburg un-reunited, is the “Lords of the North” really the last of the Saxon series?? I do not see any mention of a 4th book, but the ending of the 3rd whetted my whistle for a conclusion to this warrior’s life-quest. I realize you are over-busy, but would be grateful if you could let me know if the series is over in book three. You are a superb author and have done a masterful job in recreating the world of 9th century England. I want more! I see you are a resident of Cape Cod: I grew up in Wareham–before the bridges over the canal–and still spend some time every summer in our old family home (not nearly enough). I hope that global warming does not take this beautiful piece of land away from us–we have been on this bit of seacoast since 1870. If you can spare a moment to let me know about the possibility of a book #4 in this series, I would be grateful, before I sail onto the next series. Thank you for creating such a fascinating world for your readers’ enjoyment. Sincerely, Holly Cheever, DVM p.s.: AHA!! I visited you website and see Sword Song–good!!