Hi Bernard, sorry to say I have no pressing historical question I’d like answering – just wanted to let you know how enthralling I have found the story of Uhtred of Bebbanburg! A month ago I foolishly managed to read Lords of the North first! To my joy I discovered there were already two more books detailing Uhtred’s rise. Naturally I went back to the start with the Last Kingdom, barely paused for breath with Pale Horseman and as I write I’m 53 pages back into Lords! As I approach my forties I can look back and say I have read many of the classic ‘must reads’ we’re told we must digest if we’re to call ourselves ‘literary’. And I have never had so much fun with a book – been so enthralled and pulled into the life of a time, a set of characters, as I have been with the Saxon trilogy. And to top it all – Sword Song in September! I know it is daft to write this – but Bernard, thank you so much for giving me such fine entertainment. I hope Uhtred has many more tales to recount. Erm… and Ragnar too! Cheers, Neal Cresswell