Hello, Mr. Cornwell. Firstly congratulations on your OBE, you more then deserve it for all of your great stories. I noticed that some people have asked you about whether or not to you plan to put any of your books (other then Sharpe) on the screen. I think it would be a truly marvolous idea, though if you ever planned it I would suggest not going through Hollywood. Many a grand book has been ruined by the poisoned touch that end of the film industry and i would hate for them to screw around with any of your stories. If you ever do plan to bring your books to film I would advise you try Peter Jackson, he seems open and a very nice fellow who would do your books the respect they deserve. I bought Lords of the North recently, I tried to read it slowly but alas, to my dismay it was no use and I still finished the book in a week, It was just to good. Also where will you be coming to Australia, If ever? Thanks and Keep writing. Matthew, Sydney