Dear Bernard of Bebbanburg,
I’ve just finished Death of Kings in your most excellent Warrior Chronicles. In fact I’ve read the entire series in just under three weeks. I am writing you because I have a question regarding continuity between The Burning Land and Death of Kings.
Upon taking the fort at Beamfleot Uhtred discovers a considerable hoard of gold and silver amassed by Haesten’s marauding Danes in Mercia. In the next book though Uhtred is destitute living on loaned land? This caused me a great deal of confusion. What happened to all that plunder? Surely it was not returned to the Mercians who played no part in the battle. Were the spoils Edward’s to distribute – or rather Alfred’s as he was yet living? This question obviously did not detract from my enjoyment of Death of Kings and I am really excited to hear any news you may have of my favourite, somewhat aged, warrior’s next adventure.
I think I’ll pick up The Fort while I wait.
You should tackle 1812 if you ever run out of ideas – unfortunately a commercial opportunity has been squandered by the passing of the centennial. Nevertheless you have at least one, two if you count my father, Canadian fans who would love to read it.
Hope you’re well or at least not too bad.
Evan Clark