Hails! I enjoyed the 4 books of the warrior/Saxon chronicles but it’s impossible to find the burning land, death of Kings or the Pagan Lord written in french. So do you know if these books are translated in french and editor Michel Lafon will edit them one day? Thanks in advance if you have a little time to answer me.

Bernard Fort from France.

i’m a french reader, i come from Belgium and i love the warrior Chronicles. I bought the first four volumes in French and I look forward to the continuation(suite). A translation of your books is planned?
Heyns Xavier


Good morning Mr Cornwell,
I am a big fan of your books, i began the reading of the saxon stories, and i like it very much. I am very surprised to see that the last books : The burning land, Death of kings and The pagan lord, are not edited and traduce in french. Is it a choice of your editor, or a problem with your french editor? Are these books will be traduce in french in few time?
I pry you to excuse the poverty of my english expression.
Thank you very much for your future answer, receive all my congratulations for your work especially for the saxon stories.