
I was watching an old repeated episode of ” Who wants to be a Celebrity Millionaire” presented by Chris Tarrant, an question featured the Anglo-American war of 1812-1814. Not a war i know a lot about, I did know the British burned down the White House during that war, and that is about it.  They were more important events happening in Europe during that period, which came to a violent conclusion  in 1815, so I can understand why you have not set a Sharpe novel in North America circa 1812-1815.

Since 9/11, a lot of books, films and TV series ( i.e Homeland) address Americans fear of acts of terrorism in North America. Do you think,  if you wrote about the burning of the White House by the British (maybe featuring Sharpe), would this resonate more with Americans and Europeans than if you set a future Sharpe book set in Europe?

Regards and thanks,
