I’m an avid Sharpe fan and have the complete collection and have just finished reading Sword Song and have now read and collected all the Saxon Stories. I’m not really a bloodthirsty chap but have thoroughly enjoyed all your work that I’ve read to date. Am eagerly awaiting the next in the series of the Saxon Stories. When will Uhtred next take his place in the shield wall? And hopefully in due course regain your old family home of Bebbanberg? Many thanks for all the pleasure your writing has given me. Keep at it – ink wet and sword sharp. Best regards, Tony.

Is there another Saxon Tale coming? if so when? Thanks

George Klein

Just a small note to thank you for your love for writing historical fictions. I just love you books. Your style. The plots. The characters and so forth. Just wish you would speed up a bit and give us more books faster. Just joking. I understand the hard work involved. Keep up the good work. I’m very exited about the coming of your next book in the fall, I’m sure it will be good, but I’m not tired of reading about the vikings. When will there be another adventure of Guthred? Once again, thank you and take care. >From one of your biggest fans. Which I could meet you in Canada one day. Michel Pilotte

Greetings Bernard Cornell, You are truly one of the best authors I have encountered. A master story teller! In the past six months I have read the entire Saxon and Arthur series. Do you plan on writing another book in the Saxon series? Thank you, Daniel
Hello Bernard: I’ve just completed Sword Song and have the impression there is more to come in the life of Uhtred. Any idea when we can expect the next phase of his life??? Also, loved the Grail Quest. Sorry it had to end. Thought of Tom as a friend, not just a character in a novel. Amazing how quickly he grew up across the 3 novels. Thanks for bringing so much entertainment and excitement into my reading again.

Hello Mr Cornwell I am a big fan of all your books especially the arthur ones as am a huge king arthur fan. I also love the saxon books and was wondering if you are planning on bringing out anymore of them? I hope this finds you well Shaun Ede