Hello Mr Cornwell, I love your books and have just finished readng the Lords of the North, I loved your Arthur books and the best read ever was Stonehenge and would love you to please please write another story like it. but your Saxon books were so close to me as I live in East Kennett in Wiltshire and look out on the countryside next to my house which you have written about in these novels and would love to know if you have been here and walked here to get your inspiration, if not you will always be welcome to our village and can sit in my field in East Kennett. which to the left has a view of west kennett long barrow and silbury hill, with the Avebury avenue in front and the santury to the left, while my house backs on to the East Kennett long barrow, you have brought me many hours of great pleasure reading your fabulous books.
I have one last question, have you ever thorght of writing about the ring of brodgar in orkney and how it got their and its viking back ground as I think that would make a great read. yours with loads of thenks Mrs Nicky Boon