Hello, Mr. Cornwell. Im very delighted as your book, ‘Lords of the North’ has just come out(or I just found it, whatever) here. I’m heading off to buy it this week. Also I mentioned I was writing a book myself and it’s goin very well. Extremely well. I found a publisher who’ll read it for a relatively cheap price! Joy! One more thing before I go, have you ever considered writing a book about the wars between the English and the Welsh around the times of Owain Glyndwyr, or Llewellyn the Great? or maybe even Lord Rhys? a book on this would be very very cool. But I understand how frustrating it is when you have so many ideas for different books and only so much time to flesh them out in, so you just go at your own pace as everything you have done so far has been of complete perfection. Thank You Lots. Matthew Hanks