Hello Mr Cornwell, I write you again with some questions and comments. First of all I really hope you appreciate this message and as I already said in previous messages, I think your books are brilliant in any aspect and you’re my favourite Author. I love all your books, but my favourites are the Warlord stories. I hate to ask you this, but I can’t wait more…Do you now if and when the Pale Horseman will be publish in Portugal? If he is not I will read him in English. Is Hookton a real place? I mean, did the village ever exist? The ruins are still there? In what part of England does that stay today?

I don’t know if you ever think of this but I think the character of Harlequin(Guy Vexille)is amazing,and I have some curiosity…who is for you this character? I mean, he is sinister and mysterious but he is cruel and we can see he has an objective, and he will make anything necessary to achieve that objective, But what is his objective? He wants the grail to bring good to the world, but does he deserve it? In Hookton he saw the grail but doesn’t take any importance to him, and he said Thomas would join him, but his plans for Thomas were really that? He believes in his heretic faith and that his fighting for the grail, but in the Harlequin book he say to Sir Simon that his objective is to capture The Black prince and make money.What do you think of this? Sorry if the message is to great, but I hope you find them interesting, and I wish you a good stay in Australia, and thanks for all your books, best regards, Pedro Oliveira, Portugal.