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Dear Mr.Cornwell


I started reading your books about two years ago and ever since I have read the Grail quest series, the Warlord trilogy and I am currently reading the Burning Land. But I write to ask one thing; are there any books that you personally would recommend that are about slavery? I became a huge fan of your books due to the amount of detail, the development of characters throughout the story, the gritty realism and the historical accuracy. As such I was wondering if you have any book you would recommend or a book you yourself have writen that goes deep into slavery namely the slave trade, modern slavery and gladiators. I thought that maybe one of the Sharpe books would have some detail towards this and so I have ordered the Sharpe series of books. Can’t wait to read a series of 22 books.


Thanks for taking the time to read this e-mail




P.S. Have you though one day to write a series of books during the Roman/Hellenistic Era as I am a fan of the Dark Ages but I like ancient history as you can tell from my e-mail