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I just wanted to write to you and tell you that I’ve loved ‘The Warrior Chronicles’. I’m just about to buy ‘The Burning Land’. Admittedly I had never heard of your books before last year, but I saw ‘The Last Kingdom’ in a shop whilst on holiday and decided to give it a go. Once I picked it up, I really couldn’t put it down. I was very into the story and the characters are brilliant. So thank you, basically. You’re a brilliant writer and I look forward to reading your books for some time to come. I hope my own attempts to write can get as much of a following as yours. As a quick question, I don’t know if it’s ever happened to you but sometimes, I look at what I write and I hate what I’ve put on the page because it doesn’t feel genuine. Has this ever happened to you and if so, how do you overcome it?

Many thanks,
