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Hello sir,

I would just like to thank you for your work, I have really enjoyed it. I am a history lover and my favorite genre of TV shows are historical fictions. I watched the Last Kingdom for the first time a few years ago and just finished a rewatch a  couple months ago. I decided that I must read the books on which the show was based.


I have always been a pretty big reader, but since I’ve been out of high school (I just turned 26) most all of my time reading has been spent on non-fiction. I got the first Last Kingdom book from my local library a few weeks ago. It took me a few tries to really get in the swing of reading fiction again, but now I am hooked! I just started “Lords of the North” today and at this rate I should be done your series within the next couple of months. I’m really enjoying the details in the books and interested by the differences from the books to the show. Very enjoyable series! Thank you again!
