Written by: Paul Reid

Submitted By: Thomas

This is one for Cornwell/Wilbur Smith fans I think. Publishers Weekly enthused about its swashbuckling action and dramatic scenes. It tells of a slave raid by North African pirates upon an Irish village. The male character, Brannon, is forced into the army of the Sultan of Morocco, while his partner Orlaith remains in Ireland and is forced to marry her wild landlord Randall Whitely. This book is an amazing story, full of high human drama and breath-taking action. The landscapes are spectacular, I can still picture them. Reid is AmazonEncore's first non-American author (ironically, his book hasn't been published in his home country of Ireland yet), but it's now available on Amazon.com and across bookstores in America. His interview on the Amazon book page is worth looking at. The story itself is unforgettable.