Written by: BARRY SADLER

Submitted By: Greg Anchors

Hey! What's wrong with you people? Why has CASCA never been mentioned in these galleys? For those of you not in the know,CASCA was a character devised by the late,great SGT. Barry Sadler,who also authored the legendary BALLAD OF THE GREEN BERETS during V Nam.Casca is a Roman Legionairre who was responsible for spearing the side of Christ on the mount.Before the deity passed,however,he curses the Roman to a life of eternal battle as an undying,omnipresent mercenary.This gives Casca the excuse to serve in every military org you can name through any war that's ever happened.Talk about battle fatigue.Sadler wrote 21 of these before his murder in 1989.I know they're cheap pulp fic but if you dig history & soldiers,this is what you need to take on a plane or something.Theyr'e all about 190 pgs(paperback) & keep the schoolboy adventurer in all of us primed.Sadler really did his research & you can tell when you read these books.It's debatable whether he had a ghost writer doing his actual writing for him,but,Sadler created the character at least.Kudos to him.Happy reading.