
Written by: Robert Harris

Submitted By: Robert Douglas

Xavier March is an SS detective assigned to a murder case in Hitler's Germany. But this is 1964 - in a world where the Nazi regime won World War II in Europe and a Cold War now exists between the Third Reich and the United States of America. Just as this stalemate is beginning to thaw, however, the investigation gathers pace and reveals some disturbing facts which could threaten the very survival of the Nazi government. And soon, March must fight for his life in order to uncover the terrible truth...

This novel has to be one of the most popular and credible alternate histories ever written, with in-depth characters, an intriguing plot, and all meticulously researched to create one of the most dark, terrifying worlds that 'might have been'. In fact, it seems so real, it chills the reader's bones! Although an evil, sinister system, I found the Third Reich politics and police forces both profoundly fascinating, yet somewhat disturbing, at the same time.