Written by: Tommy Davis

Submitted By: Tommy Davis

Nothing like a mushroom cloud to give shade to the dollar and remind the world who runs things. The room went silent for a moment as it sank into the minds of all present that the chairman of the National Bank Reserve had just asked the president to use a nuclear weapon against a civilian target.

From the Prologue

The president of the United States has just been re-elected, but his financial bail-out of a broke California creates a backlash across the country. In the state of Georgia, a new governor is elected on the promise to resist his overreaching power. The president attempts to fly into Atlanta to confront the governor but is shocked and humiliated when Air Force One is denied clearance to land by a governor determined to keep him out. So begins an epic power struggle that is bound to end in blood.

Set in the author's native state against the backdrop of current political unrest, Georgia Burns is so bizarre yet so realistic, it will keep you turning pages and losing sleep to get to the end. Well-crafted writing is sparked with fresh twists yanked from today's headlines -- war with Iran, China's dumping the dollar, financial collapse, militias rising, the Russian Mafia, Islamic terrorism, riots in the streets, The Lost Tybee Bomb, open battle on US soil....

Your heart will race as events spiral out of control, and you ask the questions: Could this really happen in America? How far will the D.C. government go to hold onto its power? Find out in this fast paced political thriller read by North and South alike.

Georgia Burns -- Book One of the series Rumors of War. Don't miss it!