Written by: Erik Larson

Submitted By: David M. Dunaj

An incredible read in the style of narrative non-fiction. That is, true events interpreted from extensive research (including primary source material)and told as a story. In 1933 historian William E. Dodd is President Roosevelt's last choice as ambassador to Germany. It's a post nobody wants with the Nazis in power. The narrative follows Dodd and his family during his posting from 1933 thru 1937. It also gives insight into the wealthy elite known as the "Pretty Good Club" which controlled America's diplomatic corp and foreign service. And the romantic exploits of Dodd's daughter Martha, which figure significantly into the story. But of course there is Hitler, Rohm, Goring, Goebbels and many Nazis you may not have known about. Dodd comes to the realization about the true nature of that insane regime while he witnesses the horror of Jewish persecution and the foreshadowing of the threat to the world. I especially appreciated the care with which Mr. Larson handles the purge of Rohm and the SA leadership in 1934. Also known to history as "The night of the long knives".

I give this book my highest recommendation. It is great reading but moreover teaches a lesson to us in modern times. Indeed, I believe this book should be required reading in our high schools. Our youth needs to know about the dangers of extreme politics. And what happens to a nation when one group seizes all the power for itself.